Thirty three

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Mesut was standing again outside Vanessa's house trying to control himself. He knew that it was now or never. Aaron was right. There was a possibility that Vanessa was indeed pregnant.
Aaron had said that most women reacted like that when finding out that they were expecting.
Mesut had freaked out in the beginning.
He wasn't ready for a baby, he knew that.
But he couldn't just let Vanessa be on her own in that. After all he was the father. He didn't know how to approach the subject though. And he was pretty sure that Vanessa was going to freak out herself when learning that Mesut knew.
It wasn't an easy conversation, Mesut knew that but he couldn't ignore it. He had to deal with it and so had Vanessa and they were going to be together in that.
Mesut had brought her flowers and some chocolates in his way to her house -that was actually Aaron's idea- but for the first time he seemed to be right in everything he said.
Mesut took a long breath and rang the doorbell closing his eyes.
He waited but Vanessa didn't bother to open.
He rang the doorbell again and again but it was obvious that Vanessa was avoiding him.
As he was about to leave, the door opened. Vanessa's eyes were red like the day before and she didn't seem any better than yesterday.
Mesut smiled at her, wanting to make her realize that he knew what was going on and that they were going to go through this together.
Vanessa looked first at him and then at the flowers and the chocolates.
- What......?
She let out a small laugh and Mesut felt relaxed.
- Can I come in ?
He asked still smiling.
Vanessa nodded and Mesut followed her inside her house.
Vanessa closed the door behind them still looking at the things Mesut carried.
- Why did you bring flowers and chocolates ?
Vanessa asked raising her eyebrows.
- Well, the flowers are just for you and the chocolates.........
- The chocolates are for you too ?
Vanessa asked him.
- No, the chocolates are for someone that's not with us at the moment but will be in a little while.
- Who are we expecting ?
Vanessa asked being confused.
- You'll tell me.
Mesut said looking at her seriously.
- Mesut, are you okay ?
- I'm fine. Are you okay ? Both of you ?
- Both........? I don't understand what you're talking about.
- There's no need of you trying to hide it anymore, it'll be obvious in some months anyway.
Vanessa took the flowers and the chocolates of his hands.
- What will it be obvious ?
She asked still being confused.
Mesut placed his hands in her belly.
- You know Vanessa, I thought of it and I was scared when I realized it -well Aaron helped me realize it- but I know that I shouldn't be like that cause we're going through this together.
Mesut placed a gentle kiss at her lips.
- Okay, seriously now what's going on ?
Vanessa asked.
- I know why you were all sad yesterday.
Mesut admitted and Vanessa looked at him horrified.
- What do you mean you know ?
- I know. And I want you to know that although I think it's kind of early for that, of course I will support you. We're together in that.
Mesut said kissing her forehead.
Vanessa was shook. Was it possible that he was that relaxed with it ? And how did he learn it ?
- So, that means that you agree ?
Vanessa asked raising her eyebrows.
- Of course.
- But Mesut, I don't know I..........
She burst into tears again.
Mesut hugged her tightly.
- You'll upset the baby.
He whispered at her.
Vanessa raised her gaze and looked at him.
- The baby ?
She asked between tears.
- Our baby.
Mesut responded trying to comfort her.
- What are you talking about ? Oh, wait the flowers, don't believe I'm pregnant, do you ?
Mesut looked at her.
- You're not ?
Mesut asked.
- No ?
Mesut exhaled deeply.
- You can't believe how relieved I am now. I mean if you were pregnant I would of course support you but I think that this would be too early.
Vanessa looked at him as if he was crazy.
- Why have you thought that I was pregnant ? Have I put that much of weight ?
Vanessa asked terrified.
Not only she had to move far away from her boyfriend, she was also fat.
She considered committing suicide as an option.
Mesut tried to calm her down.
- You're not fat Vanessa. I just thought that you were pregnant because.........
- Okay, I'm not but it wouldn't be a big deal if you ever used a condom!
Vanessa shouted.
Mesut looked at her terrified.
- Okay, condoms. Next time I'll use. Try to relax now.
Her reaction had really caught him by surprise. Was she mad because he didn't use condoms ?
- I'm sorry.
Vanessa said exhaling deeply.
- Vanessa if you're not pregnant, then........
Vanessa looked at him. It was now or never.
- I.......I.......I don't know how to say this.
Vanessa said while her hands were shaking.
- If you're not breaking up with me, I'm sure I can handle anything else.
Mesut replied.
- Well, I.......I am........
- Say it Vanessa. Are you breaking up with me ?
- No! Or you know what ? Maybe I should! Then it'll be easier. Easier for both of us!
Vanessa screamed again bursting in tears this time.
Mesut hugged her while she continued crying.
- What's wrong baby ? What's so bad that has you crying for days ?
And Vanessa explained. She explained about what the producer had said, what Louisa had thought was right.
When she finished talking she looked at Mesut with her eyes still wet from the tears. She wanted to see Mesut's reaction.
- I'm sorry.
Vanessa said.
Mesut didn't say anything.
What was he to say after all ?

They were both seated in Vanessa's couch. Mesut was holding Vanessa in his arms. They were both silent, deep in their thoughts. Well, it would be easier if Vanessa didn't accept that offer but they both knew that this was a huge opportunity.
- At least you're not pregnant.
Mesut commented to break the silence.
Vanessa looked at him, a small smile placed on her lips. Well, it wasn't even a smile.
- I need the chocolates anyway.
She replied.
Mesut placed a kiss in her forehead.
- Well, you know it's not that bad. I mean seven months are like nothing.
Mesut replied faking a smile.
- Thank you for trying to make things better. I really appreciate it. Even if you're failing miserably.
Vanessa commented.
- You have to look on the bright side of this Vanessa. Think how successful your movie will be.
- Why you're talking as if I decided to go ?
- Because you have to go.
Vanessa looked at him shocked.
That was definitely not the reaction she expected.
- I haven't agreed with that yet.
She complained.
- Given the way you've cried all these days I think you did.
Vanessa had to admit that Mesut had his point there.
She knew what she had to do. But she didn't want to.
- I can't do it Mesut, cause I........I can't leave you.
- You can.
- No! I could have a couple of months ago but not now! Not now that I.........
Mesut looked into her eyes.
- Now that what ?
- That I have you.
She didn't actually want to say that. But she wasn't sure she could say the words.
- Vanessa you can't always choose based on me.
- But you're the one person I care about.
- I know but I know that if you miss this chance you'll be happy for a while knowing that you didn't leave me but then you'll be swearing that you let this chance slip.
- It's like you want me to go. Are you getting forward to get rid of me ?
- I want you to be happy Vanessa.
- I'm happy with you.
- Listen, you can't think clear now because you're upset but if you take your time and consider this carefully you'll understand what's best for you and..........
Vanessa interrupted placing a kiss to his lips. When she pulled away she looked at him staring into his eyes.
- Mesut I..........
Her phone interrupted her words.
- Pick it up.
Mesut said.
Vanessa took her phone rolling her eyes. She wanted to say something and the stupid phone interrupted her.
- What ?
Vanessa replied to her phone not checking who it was.
- Vanessa, hi is it a bad time ?
Louisa's voice said.
- Oh, Louisa sorry, I actually waited for you calling.

As she hang up Mesut looked at her. Vanessa hadn't talked much while on the phone with Louisa. She was mostly listening. Mesut though knew that Vanessa had agreed to go to India. One of the yes answers she gave might have referred to that.
- Well ?
Mesut asked.
- Louisa said she had already agreed for us to go. She discussed with that stupid producer earlier.
Vanessa said trying her hardest to fight her tears.
- I'm so proud of you baby.
Mesut said placing a kiss to her forehead.
Vanessa burst out crying.
If she didn't so something, there was no going back. She was going to be in India for at least six months without Mesut. Without his hugs, his kisses. And Vanessa was going to miss him. She was going to go crazy without him.
God, she needed him. She needed to be with him. She couldn't be away from him. She fucking missed him when he was in his stupid practices, how was she supposed to make it through seven months ? Seven fucking months. More than half a year. How was she going to survive ? Only in the thought she felt depressed.
Mesut was everything she needed, everything she could ask for. And now she had to leave. Leave him. It wasn't fair. Why couldn't things just settle down for once ? Why when she thought nothing could go wrong that happened ?
The truth was that this was the best thing she ever happened to her as far as her career was concerned. But she couldn't leave Mesut.
There was a chance of her, well,of her loving him.
- Ask me not to go.
Vanessa said suddenly.
Mesut looked at her.
- What ?
- Ask me Mesut. Ask me not to go and I promise I won't. It's up to you. Just ask me. You can ask me and I won't even considering going.
Mesut looked at her. Their eyes locked. Why was she doing that ? Of course Mesut didn't want her to go. He wanted her to be with him, but he wasn't that selfish to do that. Because he knew that if Vanessa wanted to miss this chance she would have already done it.
- I can't Vanessa. I can't ask you not to go.

Written In The Stars | M. Ozil ( Sequel to Hotel Room Service) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now