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Vanessa walked out of the cab, while the driver helped her take her luggage. He had smiled politely all the way at her while driving her to the airport and tried to make her laugh with some jokes. Vanessa was being once more polite. At least the driver had seemed to understand that she wasn't interested.
Vanessa wore her huge sunglasses, just in case anyone would recognize her. It wasn't the fans that she was worried about, besides no one remembered the filmmaker. They all remembered the actors. Vanessa's problem had always been the paparazzi. They seemed to remember her pretty well.
While waiting for the gate to open she wondered whether she should tell Mesut that she was flying in Berlin or not. She didn't have the chance to tell him earlier, but he needed to know, besides he was the one that had invited her. She didn't know what time he was flying to Berlin and she definitely needed to know. She decided to wait until she would arrive in Berlin. It was the best of all options.

Mesut was ready for his flight. He had packed everything he needed. He was flying later today. He wasn't excited at all for going. If he wanted to be real to himself, he was only going to go because if he didn't, his teammates were going to make it a big deal. He didn't want to be the main reason of discussion.
If he could avoided, he was going to definitely. He wasn't ready for this, plus he was going to go on his own. That could also be a matter of discussion. He knew well enough that all his teammates would go with their wifes or their girlfriends or even with their whole families and he was going to be alone.
He really wished that Vanessa would have accepted it. She was perfect for this event by any mean. He couldn't force her though, he knew well enough that it would be really hard for her to see her ex again. She might as well got hurt. Mesut was sure that he didn't want her to feel bad. She was a great girl and she didn't deserve so much pain.
Mesut had never been to this gala alone before. He had been with a lot of girls there over the years. He could pick up a random girl in Berlin and ask her to accompany him, but it didn't sound that much of a great idea at all.
He decided not to make it a big deal, but deep inside he really wished that Vanessa had accepted his invitation.

Finally her flight had come to an end. Vanessa had gotten bored. She got bored with all the flights. She couldn't sleep during a flight and that left her with not many options.
She was now in Berlin. She still couldn't believe it. It was a crazy idea and she still wasn't sure if she had taken the right decision. She really hoped that Mesut hadn't changed his mind and that he would be happy seeing her there. She knew that it would be difficult for her to go in that event with Mesut. If Julian wasn't there, then everything would be much easier, but Julian was going to be there and probably so was Lila. Vanessa wasn't pleased with that, she had thought though that if Julian saw her with another guy -and especially with a teammate of him- then it was possible that he would be jealous. She actually didn't care about Julian being jealous, what she really cared about was that she could saw him, that she had moved on and that she was fine without him, even if she hadn't moved on.
Vanessa hated the fact that she needed to prove anything to Julian. She couldn't even understand why she was still thinking of him in the first place.
Taking her luggage, she left the airport. She just needed to find a cab, to drive her in the hotel she had booked. And then, she had to call Mesut. It was a necessity.

Mesut had tried to call Vanessa, just to tell her, that he was leaving and actually to apologize again for the kiss they didn't share, but Vanessa didn't respond to any of his calls. He thought that she might was busy and decided to give her some time. Mesut had realized that something was wrong with him and he actually knew what it was. He liked Vanessa and he liked her way more than he should. He knew that Vanessa wasn't interested in him, yes he had understood that she considered him hot, but that was all. He, on the other hand didn't consider her just hot. She was hot, but that wasn't the only attractive thing about her. Her character, her personality were also things that Mesut liked. He adored the fact that she was talking a lot and Mesut had thought of him interrupting her with his kisses. If only he had the courage to do that. He didn't have any right to do so though, because Vanessa wasn't his girlfriend. She wasn't his. If she was, Mesut was sure he would treat her like a princess. And he would definitely make her eat. She was so skinny that Mesut was afraid to touch her sometimes. And he would touch her all the time if she was his. He had found himself wondering how would she look like naked. Definitely better than with her clothes on. Mesut smirked in the thought. He didn't like to admit that he was interested in a girl. Because he really was. He knew that he hadn't made it clear to Vanessa though. He knew that the best way was to tell her how she felt about her. Maybe it was just an excitement. He really wanted to know though. And he really wanted to make Vanessa know too.

- Room 203.
The blonde receptionist announced to Vanessa.
- Thank you.
She replied smiling brightly.
- And if you need anything, you can always call the Room Service.
The receptionist said while her gray eyes were checking Vanessa.
Vanessa was pretty sure that the receptionist had recognized her. She cheerfully had said her name when Vanessa entered the lobby as if she wanted some autograph.
- I'm Lynn Robinson. I'll make sure you have anything you need.
Vanessa had smiled politely and had taken the key to her room, making her way there fastly.
Entering her room, she was already feeling exhausted. She decided to take a nap, just to make sure she could manage to survive the whole day.

Mesut arrived in Berlin too. He was exhausted himself. He knew he had to go to the hotel, his teammates had booked for the occassion. Mesut didn't feel well enough, knowing that every single one of his teammates would be accompanied by some most probably hot chick and that he would be alone. It just didn't feel right to him. He wanted desperately Vanessa to be there. He couldn't think of any other girl to accompany him.
Thinking of Vanessa, he reminded himself that he needed to call her again.
He dialed her number and waited. He was pretty sure that she wasn't going to answer, but he was mistaken. Vanessa answered with her sleepy voice which caused wonder to Mesut. Wasn't she suppose to be at the studio ?
- Hello ?
- Vanessa, hi, have I awaken you ?
- No, I was just laying in my bed. How are you ? Have you arrived at Berlin ?
She didn't sound mad at all which made Mesut even more curious.
- Yes, I just left the airport, I'm going to the hotel I'm supposed to stay.
- In which hotel do you stay ?
Mesut chuckled.
- Why ? Are you going to drop by or something ?
- No. You're going to drop by at my hotel.
- Excuse me ?
- I'm in Berlin Mesut. Did you really think I wasn't going to come ?
Mesut was speechless. He definitely, didn't expect her to come. He was pretty sure, he was making fun of him.
- Are you in Berlin for real ?
- Yes, I wasn't going to miss this event.
Mesut felt as if Vanessa was pretending to be excited.
- You can't be serious.
- But I'm. When is this event taking place ?
- Tonight actually.
Mesut responded while checking his watch. He didn't have enough time, if he wanted to be ready on time.
- Really Mesut ? Why didn't you fly a day earlier if the event was tonight ?
- Why didn't you ?
Mesut asked her in response.
- Cause I just learned it.
She responded making Mesut understand that it was obvious.
- Yes, right. Listen, the event is at nine. Give me some time to leave my things in the hotel and I'm going to pick you up as long as I get ready. You have plenty of time to get ready yourself. Is that okay ?
- Yes, it's fine. I promise to be ready on time.
- Perfect.
- Mesut, there's one more thing I wanted to ask you.
- Sure.
- You said that this is an annual event, but Julian and I have never been to one before.
- If you want to learn whether Julian came alone in the previous events the answer is no. He never came.
- I was just wondering.
- I know. Now, start getting ready, cause I'm pretty sure, it'll take you hours to do so.
- I will, don't worry. See you.
Before Mesut was able to respond the line had gone dead.

Vanessa groaned leaving her bed. She needed desperately some sleep, but didn't have much of an option right now. She was going to have a shower and then trying to decide what she was going to wear.
She wanted to look good, since it was a really special event and because she wanted to be the center of attention. She was definitely an attention seeker. And because she wanted to make Julian realize what a terrible mistake he did. But she was going to keep that to herself. She wasn't sure after all, if he was going to go. He hadn't all the previous years so it was possible that this year wouldn't be an exception.
She knew that there was a great chance of Julian not going and that made her relieved for some reason. She was sick of proving herself, besides it wasn't Julian, who was going to accompany.

Written In The Stars | M. Ozil ( Sequel to Hotel Room Service) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now