Introduction & Prologue

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AMPERASTER&* NOTE: Soo this story is really random and way out of left field, but I used to be a HUGE Avenged Sevenfold fan and recently started listening to them again. The other night, I had this really vivid and intense relationship/sex dream about Synyster Gates - another really random event because he was actually my least favorite of all the members (not that I didn't like him - I just favored everyone else more). But the dream was so vivid and felt so real and for some reason, it gave me so much inspiration and I wanted to write a quick story based on it. With that said, some things in this story were added and changed to make it flow like a story and be more lifelike but if things don't add up, it's probably because A) this is based off of a dream, and B) I haven't kept up with this band in YEARS. I also did not go into nearly as much character description and detail as usual, since I typed this up quickly, but I assume if you're reading this, you probably know more about the description and details of A7X than I do anyway.

I'm not sure how this story will be received, but I'll post the prologue and first chapter to gauge everyone's reactions, and if you think you might want to read more, let me know!

(PS, I am so sorry to the readers of Fix Me, Fix You for not having updated in months - I've had writer's block for a while now and this story brought me out of it. I'm sorry for posting a new story before finishing my old one but I promise it will be back soon!)

Without further ado, here you go, a smutty story about Synyster Gates...


The thumping sound of her backside hitting the door was harsh in the otherwise quiet room. All the moaning and grunting and panting hardly disguised the noise. Anyone who walked by would know exactly what was happening on the other side of that door.

"Oh, God," she sighed in blissful vain as he kissed her neck roughly.

"You like that?" He grunted as he thrusted his hips into hers, driving her into the door again.

"Yes!" She screamed as she clutched his tattooed shoulders in desperation.

He moved away from her neck and looked at her, watching as her eyes fluttered shut and her mouth dropped open. It drove him wild. He knew exactly what that look foreshadowed. He knew she was close and he kept his pace steady but pumped deeper and deeper, knowing it would send her over the edge.

"Brian," she breathed sweetly as she threw her head back against the door.

"Yeah, baby?" He whispered back, although he knew why she was calling his name.

She tightened her thighs around his waist. He watched as she tensed, feeling the sweetest sensation between his legs. Her body rolled in waves as she moaned loudly. Her nails dug into his shoulders and clawed at the back of his neck. He never got tired of watching her come. It was the purest yet most sensual thing he ever saw. It was the only time he ever had the privilege to see her so raw and vulnerable and sometimes he craved the sight.

Before her orgasm even subsided, his own hit him like a bright explosion. He grunted as his hips jerked into hers. His knees weakened, struggling to stay upright and to keep her up as he pumped into her core, emptying himself inside of her. He felt her relax in his arms, resting her forehead onto his shoulder as he continued to pulsate within her. She kissed the crook of his neck softly as he panted, coming down from his sexual high.

He slipped out of her with a pained expression, never wanting to leave his safe place: alone with her, naked inside of her.

Her weak legs straightened as he set her down on her feet. He kept her pressed against the door and brought his lips to hers, kissing her gently but with feeling. She returned the kiss with fervor, pushing her hips forward into his and running her fingers through the hair at the back of his head. She tried to slip her tongue in his mouth but he pulled away quickly with a chuckle.

"You're insatiable," he laughed, pressing his forehead to hers.

"That's what happens when you tease me all day," she retorted, pulling him in for another kiss.

"Payback," he muttered against her mouth, running his hands down her hips to her butt. "For that dress you wore the other night."

She pulled away from his lips and smirked. "Not my fault you can't handle this," she teased with a shimmy.

He laughed and kissed her cheek then pulled away from her hold. The warmth from each other's bodies was sucked away quickly; cold air making her shiver. She grabbed a paper towel and wiped the fluid dripping between her thighs and watched as he got dressed in front of her. The muscles flexing in his arms. The swirls of colors all over his body from his multitude of tattoos. The sweat glistening on his skin. She wanted him again.

When they first hooked up, they'd simply gotten caught up in the moment and couldn't turn back. So they swore to two things. One, that it would only happen once. And two, that they would never speak of it again. They stuck to their second promise of never speaking of it, but they certainly have broken their first promise numerous times.

Hell, they should've known better. The first time was so good. So, so good. How could either of them ever assume that they wouldn't crave more? How could they be so naïve?

In a heated X-rated flashback, she thought about their first night together...

Don't You Dare: A Synyster Gates StoryWhere stories live. Discover now