Chapter Six

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The next day, the bus barreled down the road, bringing the band and the girls to their next destination. In the front lounge, gunshots and shouting blared from the television on the wall as Matt and Zack battled each other on a video game. Johnny and Jimmy cheered on Matt, the undefeated champion of the game so far, fighting over who got to take the next shot at beating him. Val watched from the side, replying to emails from promoters, smiling softly at the comradery beside her.

They thought Aubrey was napping in her bunk. They thought Brian was editing some rough demos of new songs. They were wrong. And completely unaware of the scene unfolding in the back lounge.

Apparently Brian and Aubrey were feeling daring and risky that day, because they were groping each other like teenagers in the back lounge with their oblivious friends merely twenty feet away. The door to the bunks was open, the door to the back lounge was open; the only thing keeping them hidden was the wall they were leaning up against.

The sounds from the video game masked their heaving breathing, his grunts, and her moans. His mouth found hers, desperately latching on in a hurried kiss. He gripped her side with one hand, yanking her hips to his crudely while his other hand reached up under her shirt, squeezing her breasts through her bra. He nudged his knee between her legs and she clutched the waistband of his pants, her forefingers brushing the hair-lined, v-shaped trail that led his abs to his manhood. She instinctively humped his thigh, seeking relief from the sexual frustration that Brian seemed to constantly, almost permanently, instill in her.

When she ran her hand down his zipper, caressing the bulge in his pants, he grunted, his hips bucked involuntarily.

"I want you so bad right now," he muttered quietly against her mouth.

"Yeah?" She asked sexily.

"Yeah," he breathed.

"Take me," she dared.

He jerked his hips into hers again, covering her lips with his, sliding his tongue in her mouth. She bit his bottom lip gently, tugging on it erotically.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR," Johnny screeched from the front lounge. "I CALLED NEXT!"

"FUCK YOU, YOU SHORT WHINEY PISS-BITCH," Jimmy shouted back at him.

Johnny replied with something quieter and unintelligible.

"HERE, TAKE IT!" Jimmy yelled in response. "JESUS, I CAN SMELL YOUR PUSSY FROM HERE!"

Brian couldn't help but pause as Jimmy's hilarious taunts had caught his ear. He felt Aubrey smile against his mouth. Seconds later, they were both cackling.

"We gotta stop before we get busted," Aubrey said once their laughter had died down.

"I know," he agreed but then he cupped her face under her ears and continued to kiss her lips softly and sweetly, not actually wanting to stop yet. He slid his tongue into her mouth again, tasting her whispered moans.

It was obvious to her that he was not going to stop by his own free will, so she pulled away a little and requested, "Hey, can I hear that new song you've been working on?"

He pulled back even further and looked in her eyes, seemingly surprised. "You wanna hear the song I've been working on?"

"Yeah," she replied with a nod and a soft smile.

He smiled at her gently then moved away from her.

They knew they needed to separate themselves in order to keep their hands off of each other, so Aubrey sat on one end of the long U-shaped couch facing Brian, who sat on the other end. He opened his computer and clicked around a few times. Just as the song began playing, Jimmy appeared in the doorway unannounced and unheard.

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