Chapter Twenty-Three

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The knuckles on Brian's right hand were white as he gripped the steering wheel, looking straight ahead and driving in silence. Aubrey didn't speak a word either, giving him time to process his thoughts and emotions, only speaking to give him brief directions to her apartment.

He was still fuming when they got there. He pulled into a parking space and shut off the rental car but didn't get out. She stayed put too, giving him time to regain his composure.

When he finally stirred, she did too, following suit as he got out of the car and grabbed their bags.

She led him up the stairs and to her apartment then unlocked the door.

"This is it," she said quietly as she flipped on the lights.

He walked through the threshold behind her then dropped their bags and shut the door.

"Living room there, kitchen there," Aubrey announced as she pointed out each of the rooms that were within sight from the doorway. "Bedroom and bathroom are down there."

He took it all in, nodding, surveying her home with his eyes. It was small but nice. And it was her home. It was where he wanted to be.

But Aubrey could still feel the tension radiating off of Brian. She turned to face him to see his jaw tight and his brow tense.

She took a step closer to him. "Bri-"

"I don't want to talk about it." He interrupted curtly.

"But you can't just-"

"I said I don't want to talk about it," he uttered, closing his eyes. "I don't want to talk at all."

She narrowed her eyes at him. She inhaled to say more but before she emit a single sound, he grabbed her by her waist and spun her around then pressed his lips to hers forcefully as he backed her up against the door.

"Shut up," he muttered against her mouth. "Shut up."

She wanted to be mad that had just told her to shut up, but she knew that he wasn't trying to be rude. She knew he wanted her to stop talking and that the only way she would is if he was blunt about it. She could tell he wanted to just forget about what happened, forget about the fact that he was leaving her soon, forget about everything.

"Make me," she challenged in a breathy voice.

"What?" He asked, breaking away to look at her face. He was still trying to keep it together but he had so much pent up in his mind and in his body from the whole day. And it sounded like she was giving him permission to let it all out. He eyed her cautiously.

"Make me," she repeated with a nod. She wanted it. She wanted him to take it out on her, on her body.

His grip on her hips tightened, nearly painful. He pulled her a few inches closer to him then pounced, slamming her back against the door as his lips met hers again. She kissed back feverishly and he thrusted his hips against hers forcefully. She moaned when he wrapped his hand around her neck, clutching it gently but firmly, holding her against the door. He was taking control in such an intimately daring way.

His hands snaked up her shirt, and he briefly broke their kiss as he removed her shirt before he flicked open her bra. Once it was unhooked, he yanked it off of her then tossed it across the room. He attached his lips to her neck and began kissing and biting the soft skin along her neck and shoulders.

She tried to bring her arms around his neck but he was all about her right now, so he quickly grabbed both of her wrists to stop her. He braced her arms above her head and gripped her wrists with one hand to hold them in place. With the other hand, he cupped her breast in the crook between his thumb and index finger and mauled her taut nipple with his mouth, sucking and nibbling and sending her to a point of pleasure that was so intense it was almost painful.

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