Chapter Fourteen

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Minutes later, Brian was carrying Aubrey through the door of his home. She got a quick glimpse of off-white walls, high ceilings, and dark wood floors, coated by a large plush sectional sofa and matching chair and large entertainment center. Everything flowed, decorated accordingly, with framed and matted paintings and photos hanging on the walls. She was surprised to see that it wasn't the bachelor pad she was expecting. It was a home. Brian's home.

She placed soft kisses on his neck and shoulder as he carried her up the stairs to his bedroom, an open room, cool and quiet, illuminated only by the mellow glow of a table lamp. He set her down at the foot of his bed then kissed her. With a sense of urgency, he attacked her clothes, his hands tugging on her pants, her fingers fumbling and desperate to undo the buttons on his shirt, his mouth never leaving hers.

Everything became a blur of airborne, discarded clothes and chaotic kisses. Finally naked, he wrapped a strong arm around her waist, lifting her up and laying her back onto his cool, billowy down comforter.

Brian took a second to appreciate the sight of Aubrey on his bed, a place he imagined her many times, naked, her dark hair splayed across his white comforter as she looked up at him with the sweetest, most innocent of smiles. It made his heart flip in his chest and his own smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

Remembering his overwhelming desire to be inside of her, he climbed on top of her, running his hands up her side, placing hot kisses all along her stomach.

Everywhere he touched felt like fire burning her skin then shooting straight to her core. He kissed his way up her body until their mouths met again, frenzied and desperate.

Their connection felt so much more intense and intimate and meaningful in his room, his home, his sanctuary. Being in the place where he lived made everything so much more personal, made him so much more vulnerable.

Using his knee to separate her legs, he nestled between her thighs. But before it could go any further, he suddenly slowed down, nibbling on her lower lip before he raised his head to look at her. With his arms bracketing her head, he looked into her eyes, fingers playing with her hair.

"How did I go so long without knowing you?" He wondered with a gentle voice.

"Yet I feel like I've known you my whole life," she countered as her hands slid gently down his toned waist.

Between their abdomens, his cock throbbed hot and firm. His heart thumped against hers between their pressed chests.

Without warning, he thrusted in deep, invading her, filling her so much a soft gasp escaped her lips.

"God," he groaned. "You feel so good."

He groaned low as he began pumping in and out of her. She quickly forgot about anything in her life that ever mattered and she started to wonder why the hell she was leaving this guy, this amazing beautiful soul who made her feel so good, inside and out.

She was going back to Phoenix, but she had no intention of this being the last time they were together. She would find a way back to him somehow at some point. But in the meantime, she needed to remember every little detail about him, focusing on the smell of his skin, the feel of his breath, hot and flushed on her cheek, the way he tasted as he kissed her desperately, the feeling of him pushing in and pulling out of her pulsating sex. And the moans and groans that escaped his mouth, meeting her ear with his hot breath.

Each time he thrusted, a little helpless grunt escaped his mouth, as if he needed more of her, more of her moans, more of the roll of her hips, more of her kisses. He could never get enough of her.

Her pleasure built in a slow, blissful swelling of heat and desire that had her shivering and whimpering into his mouth. She clutched at the comforter beneath her, throwing her head back, welcoming the impending orgasm.

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