Chapter Ten

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When Brian opened the bathroom door, he was faced with the unexpected. Johnny. Standing right in front of him.

"Gates?" Johnny questioned as he tried to step into the bathroom but Brian was still standing in the doorway, frozen.

Aubrey's eyes widened, hidden by Brian's torso, as she recognized the voice in front of them.

"What're you doing? Why'd you lock the door?" Johnny asked, bemused and skeptical of his friend's strange actions and even stranger demeanor.

Brian didn't say a word. His brain raced with an excuse, a way to get out of the bathroom and get Aubrey out of the bathroom without Johnny seeing.

"Okaaay. Move, dick," Johnny spat, shoving Brian out of the way and revealing Aubrey behind him, looking like a deer in headlights.

"AC? What are you..." Johnny trailed off as his eyes widened. He looked over at Brian then back to Aubrey. Then back to Brian. Then back to Aubrey.

She looked down at her feet sheepishly, silently confirming Johnny's growing suspicion.

Johnny's jaw dropped as the realization hit him, and he screeched. "Holy shit!"

Brian grabbed Johnny by the collar of his shirt and yanked him into the bathroom then slammed the door behind him, locking it again.

Johnny's eyes were wide with understanding and fear as Brian shoved him up against the back of the door roughly. "You two just fucked in here!"

Brian exhaled the breath he didn't realize he had been holding in and let go of Johnny's shirt. He took a step back and looked at Aubrey, who glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. Neither of them made a sound.

"Oh my GOD, you two have been fucking, haven't you?!" Johnny realized, looking at Aubrey then at Brian. He was getting worked up, panting as he tried to quickly get his words out. "I knew there was a reason why you weren't bringing a ton of girls back to the bus! The girls you fucked haven't been ninjas - they've been AUBREY! They haven't been sneaking out quickly, they've been right in front of us this whole time! SHE'S been right in front of us this whole time!" Johnny put his face in his hands, covering his eyes, then slowly dragged them down his face, looking up at them with realization. "Oh shit, this is blowing my fucking mind."

Brian and Aubrey just looked at each other again, unsure of what to do or say. They had been caught. And they hadn't talked about their "relationship" with each other, much less with anyone else. How were they going to explain it? How did they want to explain it?

Suddenly, Johnny started cackling. "Oh boy, and I'm the band's colossal fuck up? I'm the idiot?" Doubled over with laughter, he pointed to Brian. "You've been fucking AUBREY! Our merch girl! No wonder she's not going on any more tours with us! Oh god, wait till the guys get ahold of this!"

Brian's face fell. He hadn't thought about it like that. Maybe that is why she didn't want to go on tour with them anymore.

"Johnny, no," Aubrey said with anguish, reaching for him.

Once more, he looked back and forth between the two of them, seeing the frightened look in Brian's eyes and the imploring look in Aubrey's. Just one look in both of their desperately pleading eyes and Johnny knew he couldn't tell a soul.

"...son of a bitch," He grumbled, narrowing his eyes at them. "The one time someone - who's NOT ME - does something worth blabbing about... And you dickheads aren't gonna let me say a word, are you?"

Don't You Dare: A Synyster Gates StoryWhere stories live. Discover now