Chapter Thirty-Three

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Author's Note: Okay, before you read this chapter, just know one thing: I'M SORRY.

The day after she left Flagstaff, Aubrey walked into work ready to be productive. She sat at her desk with her computer booted up and her folders spread out around her. She had a mug of dark coffee and pens galore. She tried to read articles, she tried to make edits, she tried to respond to emails. But as hard as she tried, she couldn't focus on her work. She was zoned in on her phone, willing it to ring.

Typically, after Aubrey and Brian said their dramatic goodbyes, they went weeks without communication. To cool off and get their minds right again. So, it wasn't completely out of left field when she didn't hear from him the next day. In fact, it was somewhat normal. But something still felt different. She couldn't explain it but she could feel it in her bones, in her heart, and in her head. It wasn't the same this time.

If she could just hear from him though, she could know for sure if things had changed. She stared daggers into her phone as it sat next to her computer. Ring, dammit.

A phone call. A text. An email. A voicemail. Something. Anything. She would take any slight reassurance that nothing had changed. But her pride wouldn't let her seek it out, wouldn't let her contact him first.

And yet, her phone didn't chirp. Not for hours.

And when it finally did, it was Lauren. Then her brother. Then her parents.

Days later, it was Valary. Then Jimmy. Once or twice, it was Zack.

But it was never Brian.

And she didn't know what to think about that, so she waited. Desperately, she waited. For hours, she waited. Those hours turned into days. And those days into weeks. Until she finally took matters into her own hands.

At first, it was a simple text message:

Hey, B.

Just to let him know that she was thinking about him. Just to open the door of communication.

And again, she waited. Hours. Then days.

After the third day with no response, she tried again:

Hey, just checking on you. Hope the tour is going well.

She knew it was. Because she talked to Valary a few days prior. Valary, who didn't mention a word about Brian. And Aubrey, who was too scared to flat out ask about him.

And when she talked to Jimmy, she asked vague questions, to which he gave vague answers, of course.

"Is the tour still going well?" She asked him through the phone.

"It's great!" He answered enthusiastically. The background sounded silent. As if he snuck off to talk to her privately. "The crowds have been massive!"

"That's awesome!" She tried, but failed, to be as animated. "How many shows are left?"

"Ten more," he answered. "Wrapping up in a couple weeks, sadly."

"I'm sure you'll be back out there in no time," she replied, knowing their tour schedule was insane.

"You bet," he confirmed.

"So... how's everyone doing?" Aubrey asked him softly.

A small hesitation, but she still noticed it. "Just living life, you know," Jimmy answered casually into the phone.

"Good," she sighed with subtle dejection. "I'm glad everyone is doing well."

He exhaled carefully, trying to balance loyalty to both of his friends. "He's just taking it each day, you know? Some good days, some bad days, some numb days."

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