Chapter Nine

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The guys sauntered off stage with smiles spread across all of their faces. Despite being heavily intoxicated since the early afternoon, they just put on a great show. The crowd was very energetic, dancing, moshing, singing along, crowd surfing, and stage diving all throughout their entire set. In return, the guys had a blast and felt really good about where they were heading as a band.

"That was incredible!" Matt shouted, pulling his sweaty shirt over his head.

"Probably the best show we've had the whole tour," Brian commented, still smiling as they walked into the green room.

"They're getting better and better each night," Zack noted proudly.

After freshening up and cooling off, all five of the guys joined Aubrey at the merch table, hanging out with fans, taking pictures, and signing CDs. She sat back and let them take over, selling their own merchandise to their supportive fans. She enjoyed watching them interact, being a balanced mix of their true selves and their stage personas.

Matt was talkative, wanting to hear every story that an overzealous fan wanted to tell him. Johnny was surprisingly shy, very humbled and appreciative of everyone's praise. Brian was answering question upon question that a guitar-playing fan was asking. Jimmy was cracking jokes and photobombing all the pictures that Zack was taking with fans.

Valary helped Aubrey pack up all the merch while the guys continued to hang out with their fans. They were both so happy to see the guys so ecstatic and even happier to see how eager their fans were to talk to them.

"Is there a fun bar or club nearby?" Aubrey heard Johnny ask as she and Val walked past them, carrying boxes to the bus.

"Here we go," Val laughed as they exited out the back of the venue and walked the few steps to the bus.

"They had such a good night," Aubrey said, setting the boxes into the storage compartment. "If they want to go out, I'm all for it."

"You're right. They deserve it," Val agreed as they headed back into the venue.

It didn't take long for the guys to part with their fans and head out to a nearby club that was recommended by a female fan, who Aubrey assumed would probably show up to party with the guys later.

When they entered the club, they were immediately hit by thumping bass, flashing lights, and moving bodies.

"Drinks!" Jimmy shouted, pointing to the bar and turning in that direction, leading the rest of his band to the beverages.

"They never want to go to fun places like this!" Val exclaimed excitedly as she pulled Aubrey onto the dancefloor. "All they ever want to do is drink but I love to dance!"

"Me too," Aubrey agreed with a smile, dancing alongside her friend.

Matt joined them first, dancing over to them, carrying a drink in each hand. Aubrey assumed one was for him and one was for Valary, but she was pleasantly surprised when he handed one to Val and the other to her.

"Thank you!" She said appreciatively.

He nodded in acknowledgement then told her, "Long Island Iced Tea!"

"Perfect!" She commented, taking a long sip of the beverage.

Zack joined them next carrying two beers, handing one to Matt and taking a sip of his own as he danced with Aubrey. She moved her body, swaying her hips on him as he bounced to the beat. Val and Matt danced beside them. Brian and Johnny joined them next, followed by Jimmy who had a drink in each hand, both for himself.

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