Chapter Eleven

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Seven pairs of eyes stared up in awe at the bright lights of New York City. Hurried people rushed around them as they all stood on the sidewalk next to the busy street, mobbed with cars and cabs and pedestrians. The iconic skyscrapers loomed over them, intimidating and wonderful, as they absorbed the sights.

"This is so fucking cool," Jimmy spoke hazily with childlike eyes, watching the yellow blur of taxis as they swiftly moved past him.

None of them had ever been to the city before, not even the band, despite having played in certain areas of New York before, so Val scheduled a couple of off-days for them to hang out in the city. It was intoxicating in a way that none of them had ever experienced before.

"I think I'm in love," Zack whispered, with just as much daze and wonderment in his voice.

Johnny nodded in agreement.

"I could stand here all day," Val stated.

Each of them thought it felt surreal to be in such a beautiful city with their best friends as a result of their band being successful and on tour. It didn't seem real and none of them felt deserving of it, but they would take the opportunity and make the absolute best of it.

They took the Staten Island ferry across the New York Harbor, which rode right past the Statue of Liberty, where they were able to take pictures upon pictures with the green statue in the background - mostly of Jimmy who tried to pose in such a way that it looked like he was pinching, licking, or holding the Statue of Liberty in his hands.

Then they walked through Grand Central Station, looking at the beautiful ceiling of the main concourse and laughing as Jimmy and Johnny caused a ruckus, chasing each other through the crowds of people around the four-sided clock. They strolled through Central Park, where Jimmy chased the ducks around the pond, naturally.

In front of the Flatiron Building, which was shaped exactly like an iron, the group posed and took so many pictures together. And in Times Square, which was lit up so much at night that it seemed to be daylight, they took more pictures.

But by far the most exhilarating sight was the view from the top of the Rockefeller Center observation deck at dusk.

The group crammed into the small elevator, riding it up 70 floors to the top. Their inner ears popped with the pressure from the quick ascent.

"Tell me again why we're not going to the top of the Empire State Building like everyone else," Johnny requested with a sarcastic attitude.

"Because if you go to the top of the Empire State Building, you can't see the Empire State Building in the skyline," Val explained. "My friend tipped me off to the idea. The Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building are arguably the most iconic landmarks in the New York skyline. We'll be able to see them both from up here."

"Hm," Johnny replied with a huff, understanding her reasoning but still uncertain about not going to the top of the most notable building in New York.

The elevator dinged and opened, revealing a gift shop and floor-to-ceiling windows and glass doors. They hurried out the doors, immediately hit with a blast of whipping cold wind. Clear plexiglass prevented any idiot, namely Jimmy, from accidentally or purposefully falling over the side of the railing, but still allowed for a clear, uninterrupted view of the city surrounding them.

"Whoa," Brian breathed, taking in the view, shoving his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.

"Shit, you were right, Val," Johnny acknowledged, pressing his nose up against the glass. "Seeing the Empire State Building from here is way cool."

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