Chapter Five

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Aubrey's eyes fluttered open. She took in her surroundings as she did each morning. Judging from the sun blaring through the blinds that covered the small window in her bunk, it was early in the morning. And although she never really adjusted to waking up in such a small, confined space, it got easier each day. The bus was still, meaning they were parked and probably already at the next stop.

She put on a sweatshirt and climbed out of her bunk then walked into the front lounge. Jimmy was passed out on the couch, his mouth wide open and drooling onto the leather. Valary was standing at the small kitchen counter making herself a bowl of cereal. She was always the first one awake, making sure everything was going according to the plan for the day. Then subsequently made sure all the guys got their asses into gear at an appropriate time.

"You're up early!" Valary greeted. "Slept well?"

"I did actually," Aubrey answered, feeling surprisingly refreshed. Maybe she was finally getting used to life on a tour bus.

"Great!" Val replied. "We don't have a lot on the schedule today and we're already at the venue, so lots of free time today!"

Aubrey laughed as she sat on the couch. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

Valary chuckled. "Probably bad for anyone who has to encounter the wrath of Avenged Sevenfold with free time."

"I heard that," Jimmy mumbled from the couch.

"But I still love you, Jimmy-boo," Valary called over her shoulder.

"I'm so hungover," Zack whined as he walked into the room and flopped down onto the couch with Aubrey, laying his head in her lap then snuggled up to her. "Help."

She laughed and began running her fingers through his hair sweetly.

"I'm not hungover enough!" Jimmy roared as he sat up then rose to his feet with his balled fists in the air then walked over to Valary. "MOM! Do we have any HoneyBuns?"

"Look in the pantry," she said as she brought her cereal bowl to the table and sat down to eat.

"Did someone say HoneyBuns?" Brian asked as he appeared in the doorway.

"What the hell is happening this morning? I don't think any of you have been awake before noon this entire tour," Valary asked, shaking her head. "There is not enough on the schedule today to keep you guys out of trouble all day."

"Bad omen," Aubrey contributed, watching Brian and Jimmy fist-bump when they found the HoneyBuns. She removed her hand from Zack's hair but he quickly grunted.

"Keep doing that, please," he begged quietly. "It's keeping me alive right now."

She smiled down at him and resumed raking her fingers through his hair.

"Morning, babe," Matt greeted, walking straight over to Val and leaning down to kiss her cheek.

"Oh, good morning, sweetheart" Brian replied with a mouthful of HoneyBun, nodding in Matt's direction as if the greeting had been for him.

"Why is everyone up so early?" He asked, scratching his chest through his shirt.

"I have no idea, but I'm starting to get worried," Valary answered half-jokingly.

"I don't know how you're even standing right now," Matt said to Jimmy as he sat down on the couch across from Aubrey

"I am immortal!" Jimmy shouted, pounding his fist into the air, clutching a HoneyBun.

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