Chapter Fifteen

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Aubrey was not the same person that she was before she left for tour.

She realized that four days ago, as soon as she stepped off of the bus in Phoenix. But little things had continuously reminded her of it ever since she had gotten home. Little things like her inability to fall asleep before midnight or the way the silence of her vacant apartment nearly drove her insane.

She went from sharing a small confined space, full of constant noise, with six other people who liked to be in each other's personal space, to living alone in a quiet apartment. Her apartment had seemed small before she left but now it felt big and open. And empty.

She missed the guys and Val. She missed the late nights and loud music and hours of laughter. She even missed the shitty fast food and incessant amounts of alcohol.

She was different. But she didn't necessarily consider that a bad thing.

Despite the carefree nature and lack of responsibilities while being on tour, Aubrey felt it had made her more mature, less materialistic, more easygoing, and less worrisome. She realized life was short and did not have to be so cookie-cutter; she wanted to have fun and be around happy, uplifting people, not gossiping over mimosas and manicures. But she had to try to get back to her old life. She had to, at least, try.

Jessica, Tiffany, and Lauren contacted her almost immediately after she had gotten home, wanting to see her and hang out and catch up. She had been dodging their calls and invites, not really ready to see them, but she couldn't take the silence and solitude of her apartment any longer, so she finally agreed to meet up with them.

She strived to keep her head held high and her chin in the air as she sauntered into the high-end restaurant to meet her old friends for brunch, but it already felt foreign and unlike her. Unlike the "new" her.

Aubrey spotted her friends already seated at a table in the far corner, probably snootily requested for privacy. Tiffany, with her long blonde hair and blue eyes, was leaning forward, talking with her eyebrows raised. Lauren, with her short blonde hair and deep brown eyes, was listening intently. And Jessica, with her brown hair and brown eyes, was listening with wide eyes. Just by the looks on their faces, Aubrey could tell they were gossiping. She cringed but kept walking toward them.

When they noticed her, they stood up to greet her with squeals and smiles and hugs. They were her three "closest" friends (or at least they were before the tour), yet their hugs felt unwelcome and forced. Especially on Aubrey's end.

"We ordered you a mimosa!" Tiffany said happily as they all sat back down.

"Thanks," Aubrey said kindly, staring at the orange beverage, wishing it was actually an Irish Car Bomb.

"Well?!" Lauren began. "How was the tour?!"

"It was really fun," Aubrey hesitated with an uncertain smile, wanting to be honest but also reserved. For some reason, she didn't want to share her adventures, her new friends, or the new side of her with them. "I saw some cool cities and made some really good friends."

"Aw," Jessica cooed. "Well, you've got good friends here!"

Aubrey smiled, though she felt her stomach turn. They wouldn't understand. They would never understand the way her life had changed and bettered.

"Did you meet any hot guys?" Tiffany wondered.

Aubrey couldn't help but smile as Brian immediately popped into her thoughts.

"You did!" Lauren gasped. "Spill!"

All three girls had raised eyebrows, wide eyes, and huge smiles, like they couldn't wait to hear the juicy stories.

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