Chapter Twenty-One

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For @AvengedRomance33 who literally keeps me going (in basically all aspects of life) and never lets me forget my love for writing or Brian & for @becca24221 who has been such a loyal reader despite my delays! 


"I think my eyeballs are sweating," Kelsey, Jason's girlfriend, groaned as she sat in a fold-out chair behind the merch table next to Aubrey.

"I know," Aubrey agreed. "I've never sweat this much in my life. My sweat is sweating."

Another difference between Warped Tour and the tour that Aubrey had gone on, was that Warped Tour was fucking hot. Most of the day was spent outside, in the summer heat, baking under the sun. And the only place to find air conditioning was the tour bus, which was usually turned off to save gas and electricity. Therefore everyone just perspired all day every day.

"I see the notorious AC Black has resumed her job duties," Kelsey acknowledged, noticing Aubrey was manning the merch table.

She laughed at her new friend. "Momentarily."

"Are you having fun so far?" Kelsey wondered. "Despite the heat."

"I am," Aubrey replied. "I'm just glad to be back with them, honestly."

"They talk about you non-stop, but I'm sure you already know that," Kelsey informed her with a wink. "They're all so happy you're back too."

Her kind words warmed Aubrey's heart.

Just then, a tall slim guy in black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt approached the table. Aubrey didn't recognize him but she noticed he wore a laminate, which meant he was either in a band or in a band's crew.

"Hey, you ladies heard about the big B.B.Q. tonight?" He greeted with no introduction.

"Aren't there big barbecues every night?" Aubrey asked, squinting her eyes and glancing at Kelsey for confirmation. She had only been on Warped Tour for a couple days, but so far, there had been a barbecue of some sort every night.

"Not like this one," the guy countered. "You two should come. It'll be behind the All Time Low buses. There'll be plenty of alcohol."

"Yeah, sure," Kelsey responded, waving him off, agreeing just so he would buzz off.

The guy looked at Aubrey for her response next.

"Um, sure," Aubrey replied with a shrug, mimicking Kelsey's agreement.

He winked. "See you later then."

When he moved onto the next tent, Kelsey faux gagged. "What a creep."

Before Aubrey could ask who that guy was and why he was a creep, Jimmy, Brian, and Johnny walked underneath the tent behind them.

"You drank the entire fucking thing!" Johnny shouted.

"I said I wanted a sip!" Jimmy defended.

Aubrey and Kelsey turned around to see what they were bickering about. The guys each had a plate of food and a drink, except Jimmy, who had two plates of food. Brian had his eyebrows raised in a smirk as he watched his friends fuss, while Johnny looked betrayed and Jimmy looked absolutely unconcerned.

"Yeah, a sip!" Johnny reiterated. "Not half the fucking bottle!"

"I got a big mouth, my sip is bigger than average!" Jimmy spat then added, "Just like my dick."

"Oh for fuck's sake. I'm gonna shave your fucking eyebrows off while you're sleeping," Johnny threatened as he haphazardly tossed his empty Gatorade bottle into the trashcan and took a bite of his food.

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