ex calling

12 1 4

cidney's pov

"yeah my last little fling i put that shit it the dirt."

listening to music has became a more daily since jack has been with johnson making music.

"i pick up my phone phone what the heck, comin' at my neck. trippin' via text, disrespect i don't fuck wit' that."

he has been out for weeks now and i understand why but it's so frequent. i miss him but yeah it is for good.

"it's some wrong wit' my hand. can't pick up the phone, god damn hope you understand. i can't have you fuck up the plan. and if you gotta choose then you betta' choose the other man."

lately it's just been getting more and more lonely. it also get's me suspicious. i only say this because i asked jj what time he leaves the studio, and he said no later than 11:00. why does jack come home at 1:00 in the morning then. jj also told me sometimes jack will just leave and not tell anyone where he goes.

"see i waited out on that good side, and bad side so i'm done. i broke it down it was crunch time got focused and we won."

that was enough for me to think he was was up to something.

i heard the song fade out as a call came in.

(the song was Ex Calling by 6LACK)


i answered and pushed speaker since i was slicing bell peppers for spaghetti. i prepared myself for the usual.

"hey babe, i'm gonna be in late tonight." jack said.

this is the last day i'm standing this. if it happens tomorrow, i'm asking why he stays in longer than anyone else.


he didn't say anything at first just sighed.

"i'm sorry i have to stay so long, i know you get lonely. just know i'll be there when you're asleep to hold you." i could tell he smiled.

"i know you will but... nevermind." i knew i would've gone off in a rant.

"but what?" he clapped back.

"nothing. bye jack." i hung up.

the music faded back in and i poured the sliced bell peppers into the pot along with meatballs. in the strainer was the noodles which were ready to go in.

after i poured them in, another call came in. jack.

"what?" i asked stirring the pot.

"what were you gonna say? i'm just curious."

i rolled my eyes. i waited to respond, needing some type of lie to tell him. "i'll tell you when you get home."

he hung up after that. is he mad i don't want to tell him? he shouldn't be.

jack has to wait.

X. X. X.

i had set jack's plate in the microwave earlier after finishing up my food.

my fingers eagerly searched through twitter reading funny tweets and looking at shoes.

until i came across a sudden article which had just been posted.

'breaking news!:
jack gilinsky seen with ex-girlfriend madison beer and recording studio. how's cidney?'

"what the fuck."

all i could say, all i said.

next i found my way onto madison's instagram page. 3 pictures of what i could tell was a drunk jack, and a much too close madison. i kept refreshing her page as if another post was to appear.

to my suprise, there was another.

instantly i slammed my phone onto the bed. my knees curled up to my chest.

i can't help it. the tears started breaking the barrier past my eyes.

it hurt. i hurt.

i couldn't even wipe away the tears. i couldn't move.

on that post was what would end our relationship.

a video. her lips on his, his lips on hers. the caption not blank.

'he's mine.'

my thoughts crowded in with silence and let everything dissapear.

i try to convince myself i no longer care about jack but, i always find myself thinking about him.

nothing but memories of us came to mind. his name went through fast.

jack, jack, jack, jack, jack.

he didn't call me. he texted me.

'if you can't handle my work times. i got someone who can'

speech•less ; temporarily deprived of speech by strong emotion, physical weakness, exhaustion, etc.:
speechless with alarm.

nothing came out not a peep. i hadn't realized i was holding my phone reading the text to the point of blurring.

now we were nothing. i was nothing.

is this what he meant of himself in his song?


alrighty don't kill me ok? i'm leaving this story as i'm at a loss of idea for this story so i've decided to keep it on a hold until i get an idea or am given one. for now i guess this is the end.


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