The One

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*This poem was fun to write b/c I tried something new. I picked words out of the titles of books on my bookshelf and had to use every word in one poem.  See if you find any book titles as you read : )

I'm still in my striped pajamas

as I run down the stairs

to catch the breaking dawn with you

It's just us, trading words, thoughts and cosmic kisses,

before the rumors, outsiders, and daily disasters

are unleashed into our lives

We contemplate the meaning hidden love and perfect faces

and debate on how to kill zombies

We're imperfect people

but completed by the other

And it's funny how this union

was the result of a major crush and a lost diary

Soon it's time to go

but this morning is a jewel

that brightens the rest of the day

the last sentence is a 'see you at...'

even though we're no oracles who can predict the future

and because there's no real guide to love

The last kiss is a 'just in case'

and the last gaze is a 'forget me not'

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