Chapter 1

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New book! And this one is here to stay so don't worry I won't be deleting it :)

Aphmaus pov
"Ugh where is it?! I can't find it anywhere!" I sighed in frustration as I looked all around the house for my diary. Katelyn said "What're you looking for again?" I looked through the books on the bookshelf as I said "My diary." She nodded and said "Ok what's the big deal about it? What's written in it that's such a big deal?" I looked over at her and said "A lot. Trust me." She stayed silent so I went to the kitchen where kawaii chan was and said "Hey kawaii chan have you seen a black book with "Diary: Property of Aphmau Phoenix. Stay out" written in purple writing?" She shook her head and said "Sorry aphmau senpau kawaii chan hasn't seen it but if she does she'll let you know!" I nodded and went back to the living room. I sat down and tried to think where I possibly could have left it.

Travis' pov
I was just in the kitchen to get something to drink when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and seen a black book. I grabbed it and when I seen it was aphs diary. My eyes grew as I went to the living room where the rest of the guys were watching tv. I said "Hey uh guys? I found aphs diary..." garroth and Laurence instantly looked over at me. I sat on the couch and said "What should I do with it?" Dante rolled his eyes and said "what do you think? Take it back to her! You do not want to mess with a girls diary Travis they will end you in microsecond! Who knows what kinda personal stuff she's written in there." Laurence said "Like maybe who she likes?" He snatched the book from me and him and garroth started skimming through the pages. I noticed cute little doodles of anime and animals on some of the pages. Heh definitely aphs book no one else could be that cute. Laurence stopped on one of the pages and kinda had a shocked expression which made me ask "What is it? You find out who she likes?" They looked at each other and garroth said "Yea. You!" Me and Dante both said "WHAT?!" He nodded and said "Dude she has a huge crush on you." I grabbed the book back and read through it. One of the pages said "Today me and the girls went to the guys for a Barbecue. It was fun and of course Travis kept on flirting with all the girls there except me which made me kind of mad but I guess that's just how it is. He flirts with every girl except the one who likes him. I just wish he'd notice me and like me back but that's obviously not going to happen. Maybe if I could ever tell him...I've tried to before but every time I do I start stuttering and blushing and I can't say anything! Why does he have to be so cute and sweet and be all charming and flirtatious and just ugh. Of course out of all people I'd end up falling for Travis." By time I finished reading it my jaw was to the floor in surprise. I looked over at the guys and seen Laurence and garroth glaring at me. I said "Heheh uh what's with the glares guys? I-it's not my fault she likes me!" Laurence said "No it's not but do you like her?" I nervously laughed and said "What? N-No haha that-that's crazy! I-I don't like anyone!" Lies that was all lies. I really do like aph I just never thought she liked me back so I never really flirted with her or anything. Anyway I said "But uh just out of curiosity what would you say if I did like aph?" Laurence sighed and said "Good luck dude." I looked at him confused and said "Wait what?" He laughed and said "We all know you like her and now you know she likes you to. You're lucky." I said "Still not following here." Garroth sighed and said "He's saying we both now know we have no chance with her so ask her out." I nodded and said "Ok now I got it." They nodded and Dante said "Now If I was you I'd take her diary back to her. She's probably freaking out about it." I looked over at him and said "How do you think she'll react when she sees I'm the one who has it huh?" He shrugged and said "Just give it to her and ask her out I don't know!" I  chuckled and went across the street to the girls house. I knocked and aph opened the door. I smiled and said "Hey I uh I found your diary you must've left it at the house or somethi-" she cut me off by hugging me and saying "Oh my Irene thank you soooo much Travis! I've been looking everywhere for it!" She pulled away from our hug and said "You um y-you didn't read it did you?" I nervously laughed and said "uh maybe?" Her face turned blood red as she said "W-What did you read in it?" I looked at her and said "Nothing much...just that you like me..." Her expression turned to shock as she sighed and said "I-uh...guess we have a bit to talk about?" I nodded and said "yea what say we go out tonight and we can talk then?" She smiled and said "Are you a-asking me out?" I smiled back and said "Yea. I'll be back around 7. Sound good?" She nodded and said "Sounds great! See you then." She took her diary back and shut the door. I went back home to get ready for our date.

I'm baaaack! Guess who's back,back,back again! I'm sorry haha XD but yea new book hype! Hah anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeee

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