Chapter 6

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3 months later
Aphmaus pov
I sighed as I unpacked the last box of my stuff. Travis walked in holding a box and I said "What a way to spend our 1 year anniversary eh? Moving in together?" He smiled and said "Yea not the most romantic anniversary but I'm enjoying it." I chuckled as he carried some stuff into the kitchen. If you can't already tell we're moving in together. We had secretly been looking at houses together and we found one that's pretty big and doesn't cost to much so we told everyone and of course they were kind of surprised about us moving in together even though we're not married but all in all didn't really care to be honest. The girls didn't want me moving out though but after telling them I'd visit as much as possible they let me move out. The one downside about this house is it's pretty far from mystreet. As in an hour and a half drive. But beggars can't be choosers. After making sure everything downstairs was sorted out I went upstairs to help Travis. He was unpacking the very last box and then we would officially be moved in! I found him in our room hanging up clothes in the closet. I said "That the last thing?" He nodded and hung up the last shirt then looked at me and said "We officially live together." We hugged and I said "Well I'm glad. Now me and you are going grocery shopping." He frowned and said "Oh I forgot about that." I laughed and said "Yea unless you wanna starve let's go. Then Tonight I'll make dinner. Sound good?" He nodded and we went out to my car. Usually I walk instead of driving to places but I'm tired from moving stuff all day. We drove to the nearest grocery store and after getting a few things we went back home and I made dinner. It was nice sitting,watching tv,and eating together. By time we finished it was midnight so we went to bed. As soon as we lied down his arms snaked around my waist. I smiled when he kissed my cheek and said "Goodnight love you babe." I said "Night love you to." And with that we both fell asleep.

Short chapter I know but it's just showing that they're living together now! Yay! Expect some more chapters pretty soon. Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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