Chapter 15

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Time skip...a few years later...

Aphmaus pov
"Mommy when will daddy be home?" I looked at the clock then back at my little 4 year old son and said "Josh you know daddy is on a business trip...I want him to get home just as much as you do but we never know when he will." Sometimes I'm thankful for the fact Travis was able to get a job but other times I hate it. Like this time. He's been gone for a week and me and josh both miss him. I ran a hand through Josh's hair and said "What say you help me make dinner yea?" He nodded and I picked him up. We went to the kitchen and for the next few hours we cooked until there was a knock at the door. Before I could even go to answer it josh ran and opened it. I smiled when I heard him yell "Daddy!" I heard Travis say "Hey there's my little man! Where's your mom?" I yelled "Kitchen!" Travis came in with josh in his arms and set him down then hugged me and said "Miss me?" I shook my head and said "Nope. Not at all." He faked a sad face and said "Well if that's the case then maybe I should just get the boss to put me on more trip-" I cut him off by quickly kissing him earning an "Ewww!" From josh. I pulled away and said "Yes I missed you, idiot." He smiled and looked at josh and said "You miss me to?" Josh nodded end reached up towards Travis signaling he wanted to be picked up. Travis sighed and picked him up then kissed me once again. Josh said "Ew that's gross!" I chuckled and travis looked at him and said "I'll tell you that when you're older and have a girlfriend." Josh shook his head and said "I'm not gonna have a girlfriend!" I playfully rolled my eyes and said "Whatever you say. Travis wanna help us cook?" He nodded and started helping us...

                               The end
Don't be sad because now that this book is over I'm gonna be making a new book so be on the lookout for that! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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