Chapter 3

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Time skip! Aph and Travis have been dating for 5 months!

Aphmaus pov
Currently it's like 4 am I think and I'm sitting in my room, in the dark texting Travis. I couldn't sleep so I messaged him and we've been talking for the past hour...

~Their messages~
T- you tired yet?
A- nope. You?
T- a little bit but I'd rather stay up talking to you until you fall asleep.
A- aw <3
T- you wanna hang out tomorrow? I want to see that beautiful smile of yours.
A- I want to but it's my turn to go grocery shopping tomorrow :(
T- I can come with you.
A- you? Come shopping with me?
T- yea something wrong?
A- no it's just I've never met a guy who would willingly go grocery shopping.
T- as long as it's with you I'll go anytime. Any moments with you I love.
A- you're killing me.
T- sorry babe.
A- gah you're perfect.
T- I know you are.
A- oh my Irene stooop I can't deal with you being all cute it's to late for this!
T- I can't help if I love you
A- O.O
T- oh I uh...sorry
A- I wish you had said it in person instead of over text but I love you to :)
T- im glad. It'd be bad if you didn't considering I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Aph I love everything about you from the way your eyes light up when you're talking about something you love to your cute smile. I especially love how sassy you are sometimes. And the sarcastic remarks to almost everything anyone says. I love how you blush every time I compliment you and then you try to hide it but I always see. Oh and how you 'accidentally' ended up having like 3 of my shirts and a sweatshirt that I know you wear around your house sometimes because the girls tell me. And Those little things that you don't like about yourself like how when you smile your nose crinkles up, I love it. Or how clumsy you are? I think It's funny how sometimes you trip over absolutely nothing. I just love everything about you babe.
A- I've never had anyone say anything like that before.
T- get used to it :)
A- I love you sooooo much oh my Irene! <3 <3
T- :) goodnight babe <3
A- aw :( goodnight.
T- I wish I didn't have to go to sleep but I'm tired babe. If you don't fall asleep soon you can message me again and I'll wake up. Sweet dreams aph.

I sat my phone on my nightstand and sat there. I had the stupidest grin on my face. Irene he's going to be the death of me. Sadly my happy moment ended all to quickly when my phone rung. I answered it with a quick "Hello?" A woman's voice said "Hi ma'am I hate to bother you at this hour but are you aphmau Phoenix?" I nodded bit quickly realized she couldn't see me then said "Yea why?" She said "I'm Janice in a doctor at Phoenix memorial hospital and a woman by the name of savannah Phoenix came in about an hour ago. She was in a car accident and it was pretty bad. If you could please come right away and I can explain the rest to you here?" I was in shock for a few seconds until she said "Ma'am? Are you still there?" I said "Y-yes I-I'll be right there thank you." I hung up and went to the bathroom. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and looked down at my clothes. I was wearing one of travis' t-shirts and shorts. I knew it was cold out so I changed into sweatpants and threw on travis' sweatshirt that I stole from him awhile back. I decided not to wake anyone up so I just grabbed my phone,went outside,got in my car and drove to the hospital. On the way there hundreds of different scenarios were going through my head and none of them were good. There were tears rolling down my face as I called Travis knowing he's the only one who could possibly calm me down right now. He answered and you could tell he had just fallen asleep by his voice when he said "Aph? Babe what's up?" I shakily said "I-I'm sorry I-I knew you were asleep but I'm really scared right now-" he cut me off by saying "Are you crying? What's wrong aph?" I sighed and said "Some uh some doctor at the hospital Called me. My mom was in a wreck and she said it was pretty bad and I am so,so scared Travis...." I heard static then he said "I'll meet you there. Don't worry aph she's fine I know it. Ok?" I wiped away my tears and said "yea,ok." We hung up after that and I arrived at the hospital. I went in and a woman walked over to me. She was wearing a white doctors coat and her name tag said "Janice Milton." She said "You're aphmau?" I nodded and said "Is my mom ok?" She looked at me sadly and said "The crash was horrible hun. The car spun out of control and she hit another car head on. Her head hit the steering wheel and...well...Sweetie she's in a coma. I'm not going to lie to you she's not doing good. We've done all we can but...I don't think she's going to make it...I'm sorry. But we don't know anything yet. You're free to go and see her she's in room 110." I nodded and speed walked to her room with tears in my eyes. I got to her room and went in. She was laying there motionless with wires hooked up to her. There was cuts on her cheeks and a few bruises along her arm. I couldn't move. Until someone grabbed my hand. I looked beside me to see Travis giving me a sad look. I hugged him without a second thought and he instantly wrapped his arms around me. I cried. I just cried. I said "T-the doctor said she doesn't think she'll make it..." he pulled away from the hug and used his thumb to wipe away a few of my tears. He smiled in an attempt to cheer me up and said "If I know one thing about savannah it's that she's a fighter. She's going to pull through aph don't worry. Head up princess your tiaras falling." I slightly laughed and it sounded more like a yell than a laugh but it was something. I walked over to my mom and pulled a chair beside her bed. I sat there holding her hand for a good few hours until I started finally getting tired. Travis was laying in one of the reclinable chairs in the corner of the room trying his hardest to stay awake with me. I went over and lied down beside him in the chair. He wrapped his arms protectively around my waist and pulled a blanket over us. Within minutes we were both asleep. Hopefully tomorrow i wake up and this is just one big bad dream. But I doubt it.

How'd ya like that? It was all cute at the beginning and then BAM! Sadness! Hehehe I'm evil! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee

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