Chapter 13

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Time skip! Aph is now 7 months along!

Aphmaus pov
The third trimester is killing me. Especially since Travis got a job recently so now I'm usually at home by myself unless I call one of the girls or someone to come hang out which I rarely do. Oh and cravings. Yeaaaaa at first I was like "I don't understand why people always say you crave stuff when pregnant!" I understand now. Lately I've been craving weird stuff and by that I mean either stuff I hate or combinations. Like for example I've hated peaches all my life but now I love them! And an example of the combinations is I loooove pickles and ice cream. It grosses travis out but he never says anything about it just gives me weird looks. But back to him having a job. He was scared to leave me alone at first but after me telling him over and over I'd be fine he reluctantly agreed. I mean the baby isn't due for 2 more months so he really shouldn't be so worried. Anyway I'm sitting on the couch watching some random show on tv. It's around 4 so Travis gets home in a few hours. Which is good because I'm bored. I sighed and decided to go up to the nursery. I don't know why but I love it in here so much. I sat down in the chair and placed my hand on my stomach with a smile on my face. I felt the baby kicking which made me chuckle as I said "Aww you're kicking! You barely ever do!" But then I felt a pain that could only be described as a contraction. It wasn't the worst pain in the world but it hurt pretty badly! I said "Ohhh you're not kicking are you? This-this cannot be happening! It's two months earl-" another jolt of pain. I groaned and got up and went to my room. I grabbed my phone and dialed travis' number as I put on my shoes. He answered after a few rings and said "Hey ba-" I cut him off by saying "Contractions are happening and the Baby is coming." I pulled the phone away from my ear as he screamed "WHAT?! It's two months early!" I sighed and said "I'm fully aware of this now get here quick." I hung up and was able to wait until Travis got there which was only 6 minutes. As soon as he got there we left to he hospital. On the way there I'm pretty sure he broke every traffic law there is. We got to the hospital and I got a room. A woman came in and said "Hi there Miss Valkrum I'll be your doctor throughout your birth. I'm Dr. Jordan." I nodded and said "Aphmau. That's Travis." She nodded and said "So how far apart are the contractions?" I looked at her and said "I-I don't know 2? 3 minutes?" She nodded and wrote something down on the clipboard she was holding then said "Good news then! The contractions are close which means you're in the first stage of delivery, Active labor. The second stage not many people like. If you start feeling immense pain,start getting shaky or anything like that get Travis here to come get me ok?" I nodded and she smiled before walking out. Travis pulled a chair beside the bed and grabbed my hand then said "You doing ok?" I nodded and said "I'm fine other than the pain. I'm only in the first stage and that scares me. If it hurts this bad right now I don't wanna know how it's gonna feel in the next stage. She said 'not many people like it' what did she mean by that?" He shrugged and I put my head back on the pillow. Travis kissed my hand and said "It's time aph. We're gonna get to meet our baby boy or girl." I smiled and said "Yea. Were about to become parents. This is so scary but so amazing." He nodded and said "I love you so much." I looked over at him and said "I love you to." The rest was a blur. The birth lasted hours I know that much. I can remember Travis saying "Oh my Irene. It's a boy! We have a baby boy, aph!" He cried, I cried. That night a bouncing baby boy named Joshua Alexander Valkrum was born. Since he was born 2 months early he was incredibly small and weighed very little. As soon as he was born I held him once and instantly fell in love. Once Travis got to hold him I fell asleep.

Big thanks to DeeDeeDg for the name Joshua! But yay the baby is here!!! I really loved writing the ending hehe! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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