Chapter 4

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Aphmaus pov
I was woken up in the morning by Travis rolling over. I groaned and Travis said "Oh sorry didn't mean to wake you up." I sighed and looked at the time on my phone. 8:43 am. I got up and said "it's fine we shouldn't probably get up anyway. I bet the guys and the girls are worried about where we are." He nodded and I looked over at my mom. I frowned and said "I was hoping it was a bad dream..." Travis got up and kissed my cheek then said "I was to...I'm gonna go get us some breakfast from the cafeteria. You wanna call everyone and tell them what's going on?" I nodded and he smiled. He walked out and I figured I'd call Katelyn first. It rung One time and she picked up. She said "Hey! Where are you I woke up and you weren't here!" I sighed and said "yea I uh I'm at the hospital. My mom got in a wreck last night and I've been here since." She said "oh do you want me to get the guys and kawaii chan to come?" I said "no,no. Travis is here and We're fine. Besides it'd be a bit crowded with everyone here. I'll keep you guys updated though." She sighed and said "Ok I'll tell everyone. Hopefully savannah is ok. If you need anything just tell us ok? Bye aph." I said bye then hung up. Travis came back with two carry out trays of food and two pepsis. He handed me a plate and a Pepsi and said "Bon appetite." I chuckled but it died away as I looked at my mom again. She looked so was hard to even tell if she was aph she's fine she will be ok...she can't leave me...I shook the thought out of my mind and ate. Afterwards I went to the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Red eyes,tear stained cheeks,and messy hair. I splashed some water on my face and walked back into the room. Travis was digging through a duffel bag and said "I forgot to tell you last night I brought a bag of some of mine and your clothes. I didn't know how long you'd want to stay so..." I pecked his lips and said "thank you." He nodded and I grabbed some clothes. I went to the bathroom and looked at the shower. Thank Irene this hospital actually had showers in the bathrooms. I took a shower then changed into the clothes. I looked in the mirror again and at my outfit. It was a purple off the shoulder top and skinny jeans. I yelled "Travis? You didn't happen to being my makeup bag did you?" He came in holding it and said "i actually did." I thanked him and did my everyday makeup. I brushed my hair and walked back into the room. Travis looked at me and said "I don't know what Amazing thing I did to deserve you but I'm the luckiest guy alive." I blushed and said "I-I want to go get something for my mom. You know for when she wakes up. I'm going to the gift shop so text me if she wakes up." He nodded and I went to the gift shop. I found a little stuffed cat since I know my mom loves cats and a rose with a note attached that says "Get well soon!" Is it cliche? Yes. Does that make it any less special? No. I payed for them and started walking back to my moms room when all of a sudden doctors and nurses started running towards her room. I ran to the room and sure enough they were all going in there. They were all talking so it was hard to understand what was going on but I was able to make out someone saying "She's crashing! Her hearts failing hurry!" I tried to run in but someone held me back. I turned and seen Travis. I was crying now and is I said "Let me go! I-I have to make sure she's ok!" He sighed and pulled me to him. He said "I can't the doctors won't let you in." After a few minutes of the doctors yelling commands at each other I heard the four words I never wanted to hear. "Time of death: 9:12 am" I started crying even harder and I felt Travis tense up. He kept me in his arms while I cried into his shirt. After a few minutes the doctors all walked out but one came over to me and said "I'm sorry. I wish there was more we could've done. You should go say your goodbyes." He walked off and Travis followed me into her room. I sat beside her bed and held her hand hoping,wishing that this would all go away. Travis stood beside me holding one of my hands. I looked at my mom and watched her chest hoping to see her breathing but it was still. A few more tears slid down My face as I said "I'm sorry...i-I...please this can't be happening..." I broke down and Travis pulled a chair up beside mine. He pulled me into his lap and rubbed circles on my back to try and calm me down. I was crying so hard I couldn't catch my breath. I finally was able to say "I love you mom...I'll miss you..." then I cried until my throat hurt and my eyes were blood shot. After the doctors came to take my mom to who knows where we went back to mine and the girls house. When we got there they were asking me questions but I ignored them. I even ignored Travis. I went straight to my room and sat there in silence,in the dark. What else was I supposed to do? I didn't want to talk to anyone so this was best. I lied down and all the happy memories of me and my mom as I grew up started flooding my head. But I didn't move. I didn't try to ignore them. I didn't even say anything. I sat and stared at my hands suddenly finding them the most interesting things in the world.

Don't kill me please. Bet you weren't expecting that were ya? Will aph recover from this? How long will she be sad? What will happen?! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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