Chapter 2

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Outfit at top!

Aphmaus pov
I had just finished getting ready for mine and Travis' date so I was starting to get kind of nervous. I kept on asking Katelyn and kawaii chan stupid questions like "Do I look ok?" And "What if I say something stupid?" Until finally Katelyn sighed and said "Aph. You look great. You won't say anything stupid. You and Travis have been friends since highschool so just imagine this as you two hanging out like you used to ok?" I nodded and kawaii chan said "And if aphmau Senpai gets nervous just breath!" I did as she said and breathed in then out. That calmed me a little so I said "Ok I'm good. Thanks kawaii chan." She smiled and said "No problem!" There was a knock at the door and I opened it to see Travis. I half expected him to be wearing the usual green sweatshirt and black jeans but instead he was wearing a light green and white plaid button up shirt and blue jeans. He smiled and said "Hey you ready?" I said "Um y-yea I think so. Bye Katelyn,bye kawaii chan!" They both shouted back "Bye have fun!" Then Katelyn added on "Hurt her and I'll kill you Travis!" I chuckled and Travis said "ok let's go before I get murdered." We both laughed and left. Travis knew where we were going but he wouldn't tell me because "it's a surprise" so I was just following him. He said "You seem nervous." I said "Heh I-I am. Just a little though." He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together making me blush. He said "Don't be. It's just me. Oh by the way you look beautiful." I looked down trying to hide the redness on my face and said "T-Thanks." He nodded and we walked along still hand in hand. We finally arrived at the park and he said "Close your eyes." I did as he said and he guided me somewhere then after a few more minutes of walking he said "Ok open." I opened my eyes and looked around. We were in a clearing in the the little forest that's next to the park. There were lanterns hanging from the trees which was good considering it was getting dark. On the ground there was a big blanket with a picnic basket, and plates on it. But that wasn't the best part. The best part was that the lake was right next to us. It was calm and the light from the lanterns reflected onto the water making it even more beautiful. I looked around in awe and Travis said "You like it?" I said "I-I love it. This place is beautiful. How have I never seen this place? I used to come to the park all the time when I was little." He said "There's a secret path that not many people know about. And by not many I mean me and the guys know and now you do to." I smiled and he said "Well mademoiselle care to join me for dinner?" He gestured to the picnic and I chuckled and said "Well of course." We both sat down and for the next few hours ate and talked about whatever came to mind. After we finished eating we ended up sitting on the ground at the edge of the lake with our shoes beside us and our feet in the water. He said "By the way aph sorry about uh reading your diary." I sighed and said "It's fine. Honestly it was my fault for losing it." He nodded and said "It's why I asked you out." I looked at him confused and he said "Your diary. I found out you liked me because of it and I asked you out because I've liked you for quite a while to." I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer then I said "Then I'm happy you read it. And I'm glad you like me." He laughed and said "Heh I'm glad you like me to." We stayed like that for a few more hours just sitting in silence,looking at the lake and stars,enjoying each other's presence. We looked at each other and both of our eyes kept flicking to each other's lips. Finally we both started leaning in unaware of our actions until our lips met and we kissed. It didn't feel like the cliche "fireworks feeling" or anything like that. But it did feel like time stopped and the world around us disappeared. Like it was just me and him in that moment. And I enjoyed every single second of it. Once we pulled away for air he said "Aph?" I made a "Hm?" Sound and he said "Will you be my girlfriend?" I kissed him once again then said "Of course." He smiled and said "Maybe we should head back now. It's almost 1 in the morning." I looked at the time on my phone and said "Heh I guess it is. Must've lost track of time." He nodded and I helped him clean up everything. We left the lanterns there because he said he'd come back later and get them. So we left and walked back to his and the guys house. We were standing on the porch so I said "Thanks for tonight. It was a lot of fun." He said "Yea it was." I lightly kissed him and I swear I heard someone say "Aww." But it was probably my imagination. At least that's what I thought until we pulled away and I looked to the window and seen garroth,and Laurence with shocked expressions and Dante making a heart at us with his hands. I laughed and said "I think we've got a fan." He sighed and said "Sadly I live with said fan." I patted his shoulder and said "You'll be fine. Bye Travis." He went inside and I went back to mine and the girls house. Unlike the guys everyone at my house was asleep so I quietly snuck up to my room and changed into pajamas then lied down thinking about today. One of the best days ever.

I tried to make it fluffy so hopefully I succeeded. They're together now! Yay!

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