Chapter 9

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3 months later
Aphmaus pov
I looked in the mirror at my reflection. I was bored out of my mind since Travis was at the wedding venue checking on a few things and I could just hear the wedding dress that I got a few weeks ago calling my name. So I tried it on and am now fantasizing about the wedding. Pretty soon I'll be Aphmau Jessica Valkrum. Nice ring to it eh? I think so. Just thinking about what the wedding will be like puts butterflies in my stomach. Me walking down the aisle with the biggest smile on my face. Seeing Travis smiling back at me just as happy and excited. Katelyn, who I have decided to have as my maid of honor, will be standing next to me while the priest talks and who knows maybe she'll cry? She's rarely ever cried before but if the roles were reversed and she was the one getting married I'd cry knowing my best friend is the happiest she can be. I'll cry. I just know it. But it'll be tears of joy. I won't hear a word the priest says because I'll be thinking about the future. A family, maybe. I've always wanted to have a family someday and I think Travis will to. He'll make an amazing father someday. This is all so surreal. I looked at my dress in the mirror one last time and lightly smiled. It's a long sleeve,off the shoulder,white dress. The top of the chest of the dress and the sleeves are a pretty lace design. The ends of the dress were long so it dragged behind me as I walked.

Knowing my luck I'll probably trip over it and fall

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Knowing my luck I'll probably trip over it and fall. I'll have to practice walking and dancing in it. Ah yes, the dancing. The first dance me and Travis will have as husband and wife. I can't wait. I heard the door downstairs open and knowing it was Travis I changed out of the dress and hung it back up. He's seen the dress but he hasn't seen me in it. I went downstairs to see Travis like I expected. He smiled and said "Hey babe sorry I took so long. Good news though. Almost everything is perfect." I pecked his lips and said "Well that's good considering the wedding is next week." He nodded and grabbed my hand. He spun me around as he said "I can't wait to be able to call you my wife." I chuckled and said "I can't wait to call you my husband." I stood on my tip toes and lightly kissed him. When we pulled away he said "Irene, I love you." I said "I love you more." He rolled his eyes knowing that if he tried to say he loved me more we'd end up in a small stupid argument that I'd inevitably win. He sighed and fell back onto the couch. He grabbed my hand, pulling me with him and we ended up laying on the couch cuddled up together. He was playing with my hair with one hand while his other hand was holding mine. My head was resting on his chest and our legs were tangled together. This is usually how we fell asleep most nights. It's perfect. I slowly but surely drifted off into sleep smiling.

The wedding chapter will be very soon! I can't wait to write it! How'd you guys like this chapter? I liked it idk why but I just really enjoyed writing this chapter. Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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