Chapter 5

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4 months later...

Aphmaus pov
I guess you're probably wondering what happened with me after my mom right? Well I stayed in my room a lot for the next few weeks after her death. I cried more than I had in my entire life. Her funeral was the hardest thing in the world but luckily Travis,and all my friends were there. They helped me. Of course I'll never forget my mom or be ok with the fact she died but I'm ok. I started being ok again after 3 months I think. Now everything is back to normal. Everyone has agreed not to speak about it or bring it up. Including myself. So yea. I'm good. Anyhoo I'm sitting in the spot that Travis took me on our first date. I find it peaceful here so I come here a lot actually. I heard a twig snapped so I looked behind me and seen Travis. He held his hands up and said "just me." I smiled and said "Hey how'd you find me." He sat next to me and said "I had a feeling you were here. You come here all the time so I just figured ya know?" I nodded and lied my head ok his shoulder. I sighed and said "Travis I miss her..." he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer then said "your mom?" I nodded and he said "me to." I looked at him confused and said "You didn't even know her that well why do you miss her." He smiled and said "she was going to by my future mother in law." I blushed and he laughed. He said "I still make you blush after all this time?" I nodded and said "yea I uh...I guess you it really has been a long time hasn't it? We've been together for...9 Irene." He said "And I have been happier in these past 9 months than I have in my whole life. By the way I want to give you this. I got it for your birthday and since it's only in a few days I figured I mine as well give it to you." He handed me a black rectangular box which I opened to see a necklace. It had to hearts on it that say "I love you with all my heart."

I smiled and said "I love it

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I smiled and said "I love it. Thank you so much." We kissed and he said "Want me to put it on you?" I nodded and held my hair up. He put the necklace on me and I held onto it. I said "It's perfect. I love you so much." He kissed me once again but this time for a bit longer then pulled away and said "I love you to. Loved you yesterday love you still always have always will." I cuddled up next to him and we spent the rest of the day sitting there talking just enjoying being next to each other. It was then I realized that I honestly am the luckiest girl alive.

Awww cuteness. Hehe I thought I'd give you a cute chapter after the sadness. Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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