Chapter 11

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Time skip! Aph and Travis got back from their honeymoon a few months ago :)

Aphmaus pov
"Travis! Babe, you almost ready?!" I yelled from our bedroom as I looked in the mirror. I pulled my shirt tight to where you can see my belly that is quite a bit bigger than usual. That's right. I'm pregnant! 3 months along today actually.

(That's how big her belly is) As soon as Me and Travis found out we decided to keep it secret from everyone until the second trimester just in case it was a miscarriage since they're really common in the first trimester

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(That's how big her belly is)
As soon as Me and Travis found out we decided to keep it secret from everyone until the second trimester just in case it was a miscarriage since they're really common in the first trimester. I've been able to hide the baby bump by wearing loose shirts but after today I won't have to hide it anymore. We're telling everyone today at the barbecue party the guys are throwing. Anyhoo I went downstairs to find Travis looking under a pillow on the couch. I rolled my eyes and said "Lemme guess. Looking for your phone?" He nodded and continued looking. I cleared my throat and he looked at me as I held up his phone that he left on the nightstand. He smiled and took it from me then kissed my cheek and said "What would I do without you?" I chuckled as I said "Crash and burn." He playfully rolled his eyes and said "Not true!" I nodded and said "Keep tellin yourself that." He laughed and said "By the way I like your dress. Nice choice." I was wearing a white striped dress that goes just below my knees.

It's loose enough to where no one can tell I'm pregnant unless I want them to

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It's loose enough to where no one can tell I'm pregnant unless I want them to. I said "Aw thanks. You look nice as well." He was wearing a white tank top with black stripes along the middle and black shorts.

He playfully bowed and said "Why thank you, thank you

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He playfully bowed and said "Why thank you, thank you." I shook my head and he said "So how's mini us doing?" I laughed knowing he was referring to the baby and said "He or she is doing just fine. Pretty soon we should be able to feel it kicking." He kissed my stomach and said "I can't wait." I looked at the time and said "We better get going. Don't wanna be late." I grabbed his hand and with that we went out to the car and drove to the guys house. As soon as we pulled into the driveway I heard music from the backyard and smiled. Travis took my hand and kissed my knuckles then said "I wonder what people are gonna say?" I shrugged and said "Probably congratulations. A lot of people will probably be shocked, but I mean I was shocked when I found out so they have every right to be." He nodded and ran a hand before his hair before saying "Well lets go." We got out and walked to the backyard where i immediately seen Laurence talking to Katelyn, kawaii chan sitting by the pool, garroth talking to cadenza, and Lucinda was talking to Nicole, Dante, and Jeffery. A lot of other people were there as well a few of which I didn't know. Most of them I knew from highschool though. Katelyn seen us, smiled and said "Well look at that. The lovely Mr. And Mrs. Valkrum!" I chuckled as she clapped making other people join in. We walked over and we hugged while Travis bro-hugged the guys. Katelyn said "Hey aph its good to see you." I nodded and said "ditto. I haven't seen you since me and Travis left for the honeymoon which was what 6? 7 months ago?" She threw her arm over my shoulder and said "Far to long my friend." I nodded and said "You said it." We talked for a bit more then when it started getting dark Laurence turned on the fairy lights that were hanging above the yard and we all sat down by the pool to eat the hotdogs and such thag he guys had made earlier. Me and Travis sat next to each other, of course and i just like most people had my feet in the water. Everyone was laughing, talking, and having a good time until I suddenly remembered. We came here to tell everyone about the pregnancy. I told Travis and he face palmed and said "We're idiots. We both forgot." I laughed and said "yep. Ok how you wanna tell them? Both of us just stand up and say it or what?" He nodded and said "Yea that sounds good." We both stood up and Laurence said "Ooohhh the cutest couple on mystreet wants to say something!" We laughed and I said "Yes, thank you Laurence." He gave a thumbs up and Travis said "So this may come as a bit of a shock to most of you buuuut..." he drifted off wanting me to finish and I did just that as I said "I'm well...I'm pregnant!" Everyone's faces either turned to shock, happiness or both. ALL the girls started squealing and the guys were standing up hugging Travis and congratulating him. Katelyn said "This is-this is amazing. Oh my Irene. How far along are you?!" I pulled my dress right against me so they could see the baby bump and said "3 months." Everyone's jaws dropped in surprise and Travis said "We would have told everyone sooner but we wanted to wait you know? Just in case worst came to worst and it was a miscarriage." People nodded and for the rest of that night we were getting questions like "Have you felt the baby kick yet?","Have you found out the gender?","When will you find out the gender?!", etc. needless to say it was hectic. Once we got home I was beat. Travis went to take a shower whereas I went straight to bed after changing into one of his old shirts and a pair of my shorts.

BABIES WILL BE HERE SOON! YASSS I LOOOOOVE WRITING ABOUT THE BABIES! This also means I need some name suggestions! So if you have any suggestions for what the baby's name should be comment below! If I use your name suggestion I'll give you a shoutout! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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