Chapter 7

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A few weeks later

Aphmaus pov
"So how is it living with travis?" I smiled and said to Katelyn over the phone "Great! Right now he's out with the guys so I'm just here cleaning up a bit." She said "Want me to come over and help?" I said "No I've got it besides Travis should be back pretty soon so I'm fine." She sighed and said "Alright. I gotta go kawaii chan needs help cooking. See ya aph." She hung up and I grabbed travis' jacket from the couch to go hang it up but something fell out of the pocket. I picked it up and seen it was a little red box. I opened it and my jaw dropped when I seen it was a ring.

I didn't know what to do I mean I know he didn't want me to see it but I already had

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I didn't know what to do I mean I know he didn't want me to see it but I already had. Was I supposed to just put it back and act like it never happened? I can't do that I'm a horrible lier and plus Travis can always tell when I'm lying. Oh my gosh he was going to propose to me wasn't he? And I ruined the surprise ugh! Why did I have to clean?! Just then then Travis came in. He smiled when he seen me and said "Hey babe-hey what's wrong? You look like something's on your mind." I put the ring behind my back and said "Yea...were you going to propose to me?" His face dropped and he said "Uh hehe where'd you hear that from?" I shrugged and he looked at me like "Really aph?" I looked down and showed him the ring and said "It fell out of your jacket while I was cleaning. Sorry." He sighed and took it from me. He said "To answer your question I was. I was planning on taking you out to dinner and going back to the place we had our very first date then popping the question there but now that you know I guess here is a good a place as any." I looked at him confused as he took my hand and got down on one knee. I smiled and he said "Even though this isn't how I planned it I'm still gonna do this right. Aph dating you was the second best thing to ever happen to me. The first was meeting you back so many years ago. I'm absolutely,crazy in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So", he opened the box and continued with "will you marry m-" he couldn't finish the sentence because I had already tackled him onto the floor in a hug. He laughed and said "So yes?" I laughed as well and said "Yes you dork!" He hugged me back and once we sat up he took my hand and slid the ring on my ring finger. I immediately kissed him which caught him off guard but nonetheless he kissed me back. Once we pulled away I looked at the ring then at him and said "When did you get it? I mean you don't go out unless it's to hang out with garroth and the other guys." He said "I've actually had it for a few months. I was kind of nervous." I said "You had no reason to be. It's me!" He shrugged and after a few seconds of silence I said "I'm so excited. I can't believe this...we're engaged. We're going to get married. Oh my Irene." I looked at him and seen he had the biggest smile on his face. I said "What? What is it?" He shook his head and said "Nothing,nothing." I nodded and said "Uh huh. Sure. Oh how are we going to tell everyone?" He shrugged and said "I dunno but what say we wait until tomorrow to tell them? I don't really feel like going out." I nodded and for the rest of the day we basically fantasized about our wedding.

Ayyyy they're getting married! I always love writing about the planning and the wedding and such hehe! Btw the wedding will be the last chapter of this book then I'll start writing a new zanemau book! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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