Chapter 14

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Travis' pov
I couldn't help but smile as I held Joshua. He was so small I felt like I'd break him. I looked over to aph who had fallen asleep as soon as she handed him to me. I smiled at her and put Joshua in the little small rolling crib the doctors put in here. I kissed his head then looked at the time. Almost half past midnight. I wonder how the guys would feel if I called right now and told them about aph having the baby? I walked into the hallway and called Laurence. He answered with a tired "Hello?" I sat in one of the hall chairs, ran my hand over my face and said "I have a son. Laurence, I have a son." He started to wake up a bit and said "Wait what?!" I chuckled and said "Aph had the baby like 15 minutes ago." He said "Dude why didn't you call us?!" I quickly said "Hey I didn't want everyone here wanting to see him as soon as he was born. I still don't want that ok? Aphs tired, I'm tired. You can tell the rest of the gust and the girls just please don't come." He said "Ok,ok. So it's a boy? What's his name." I smiled and said "Joshua Alexander Valkrum. Joshua is the name of aphs dad, and me and her just really liked the name Alexander. We're planning on calling him josh for short." He chuckled and said "Congrats man. Is aph doing good?" I laughed and said "Shes fine don't worry. She didn't even use meds or anything." He laughed and said "Wow. That'" I nodded and said "Yea. Hey I gotta go call my mom ok? I'll call you back later." I hung up and called my mom. I told her about aph having the baby and everything and of course told her to come because I mean it is her grandkid. After an hour or so I heard a knock on the hospital room door. I opened it and was immediately hugged by my mom. I chuckled and said "Hey mom. Ready to meet him?" She nodded and she had the biggest smile on her face. I led her into the room over to the crib and her hand went to cover her mouth. I laughed and she said "He's adorable! He has your face shape. His names Joshua right?" I nodded and she looked over at aph. She said "Passed out right after?" I nodded and she said "Knew it. I did the same thing after having you." I sighed and said "Are you staying?" She nodded and I said "Good. Can you stay in here and watch him just in case anything happens while I take a nap? The nurses shouldn't be in for awhile they did the tests on him earlier." She nodded and said "Ill watch him don't worry. I'm surprised that he's completely healthy with him being born so early. Usually preemies have to stay in the ICU." I shrugged and said "I'm just happy he's healthy." I lied down on the couch in the corner of the room and instantly fell asleep.

Time skip

Aphmaus pov
"Are you sure we have everything?" I asked Travis as I looked around the room to make sure we didn't forget anything. Josh is asleep in my arms so Travis is going around putting everything in the bags. He nodded and said "Yes, babe I'm sure. We have everything." I nodded and put josh in the car seat that was sitting on the hospital bed and buckled him in. He has dark brown eyes and black hair like me but he has pale skin like Travis, travis' nose, and his face shape. He also has the cutest chubby cheeks which I don't know Who he got that from. Anyhoo I said "So we're ready to go home?" Travis grabbed the bags and said "Yep. Come on I wanna show this little guy his room." I nodded and we went out to the car. Travis' mom helped me buckle joshs car seat in then she climbed up front in the passenger seat. I sat in the back with josh while Travis is driving. After driving veeeery carefully we finally got home and went in. I was holding josh as I said "Welcome home josh!" He was looking around the room and Travis said "Hey mom can you get the rest of the stuff from the car? That way me and aph can go show him his room?" She nodded and me and him went upstairs to the nursery room. I put josh in his crib and said "You're officially home baby boy." Travis smiled and said "The shock of the whole thing is finally wearing off and I'm just letting it sink in that...aph we have a son. We're parents." I hugged him and said "I know and I couldn't be happier."

Babyyyyyy! Yasssss I looove writing about the babies!! Hehe anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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