Chapter 10

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IMPORTANT A/N: ok so you guys remember how I said the wedding chapter would be the last chapter? Weeeeell Im having a lot of fun writing this book now so I changed my mind. The wedding WILL NOT be the last chapter.

Don't play music yet! I don't know if I've used this song before but If I did sorry. I just love this song so much!

Aphmaus pov
Ohhhh Irene. The wedding is today. Right now me,Katelyn,Lucinda,kawaii chan,and cadenza are all at my house getting ready. They spend the night last night while Travis spend the night at the guys house. Anyway I'm doing my makeup on the bathroom,Katelyn is next to me doing her hair,and cadenza,kawaii chan and Katelyn are gone to get their dresses from the cleaners. Katelyn said "Today's the big day huh?" I nodded as I finished up my eyeliner and she said "After today you're gonna be married. Man, this is so weird. Remember back in highschool? Travis was always chasing every girl he could find and you were Gaga over Aaron." I chuckled and started doing my hair. She said "No one ever thought that out of all people you and Travis would get married." I smiled and said "Yea true. But I'm glad things worked out the way the did. I love him with all my heart and honestly now I can't see me without him." She smiled and al of a sudden Lucinda popped in with the girls. They had their dresses in their arms and Lucinda said "Who's ready for a wedding?" I laughed and we all finished getting ready.

Time skip

I smiled as I stood in the changing room in my dress. My makeup was perfect and my hair was done up into a high bun with a few loose strands of hair hanging by my face.

 My makeup was perfect and my hair was done up into a high bun with a few loose strands of hair hanging by my face

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I walked back into the room where Katelyn and the other girls were touching up their makeup. I sat down and pretty soon it was time. After my bridesmaids and maid of honor walked down the aisle and got in their places it was my turn. I could here the music playing and my heart was beating faster than ever. I pushed open the doors and seen all my friends, family,and travis' family standing up looking towards me. I looked at Travis and seen his mouth was forming an 'O' shape. I walked started to walk down the aisle and as I did Travis covered his mouth with his hand and it was easy to tell he was crying. He was trying his best to hide it but he was failing. I got next to him and the priest started talking.

~After the vows and the priest talking~

After talking for ages The priest finally said "Do you Travis Valkrum take Aphmau Phoenix to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Travis smiled and said "I do." He put the wedding ring on my finger and the priest said to me "And do you Aphmau Phoenix take Travis Valkrum to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I nodded and said "I do." I put the wedding ring on travis' finger and the priest said "I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" With those 5 words time slowed down as we kissed. People stood up and were clapping and cheering and taking pictures. When we pulled away I grabbed his hand and we ran back down the aisle to the huge room with tables set up, a buffet table and a DJ station. After everyone was sitting down the DJ said into the microphone "Time for the first dance between the newlyweds!" I stood up,grabbed travis' hand and pulled him with me to the middle of the dance floor.

Play music now!

We started dancing and Travis said "So how's it feel?" I looked at him confused and he chuckled then said "To finally be Aphmau Valkrum?" I smiled and said "Amazing. When I was little I always said I never wanted to get married because I didn't want to change my last name. I was dumb." We both laughed and he grabbed my hand and spun me around then I said "And you? How does it feel to finally be married?" He said "To be married feels, well great. But to be married to you? No words can explain how happy that makes me." I nodded and said "That was really cute." He said "Not as cute as you." I playfully rolled my eyes and he said "Im really surprised you haven't said anything about me crying when you walked down the aisle." I sighed and said "Why did you?" He shrugged and said "Just seeing you walking down the aisle, knowing that I was getting ready to marry the love of my life..." I smiled and rested my head on his chest as we danced. After awhile the song ended and everyone was getting hungry now so we went over to the cake and everyone gathered around us. I grabbed the knife and Travis put his hand over mine and we cut the cake. People cheered then everyone started getting food from the buffet table. I just got the piece of cake and went and sat down. Travis sat next to me and said "You have icing on your cheek." I went to wipe it off and said "did I get it?" He shook his head and used his thumb to wipe it off. I smiled and said "Thanks. I honestly have no idea how I got icing on my face." He laughed and said "You're you, that's how." I playfully shoved him and after awhile people were starting to get tired and the wedding was winding down which means it was time for us to go to our honeymoon spot. Me and Travis decided we both wanted to go to Paris so there's a limo outside that's taking us to the airport where we can change,get on the plane and go to Paris. We said bye to all our friends who were cheering as we got into the limo. Next thing we knew we arrived at the airport. We both grabbed some clothes from our bags that were in the trunk and went to the bathrooms. I changed out of my dress and into a comfy purple off the shoulder sweater,and jeans. I met travis at the limo and seen he was back to wearing the usual green sweatshirt and jeans. I chuckled as we grabbed all our stuff just as our plane got called. We went to the plane got on and soon enough we arrived at the airport in Paris. After the long plane ride I was super tired so we just went straight to our hotel. When we got there I washed off my makeup, undone my hair and changed into pajamas. I went back into the room and seen Travis had the same idea as me. He had changed into a gray t shirt and green and black checkered sweatpants. I yawned and he said "you tired to?" I nodded as we lied down and he wrapped his arms around me. I cuddled up next to him and said "Goodnight." He kissed my head and said "Night aph." With that we both fell asleep.

They're married! Yayyyyy! I have so many ideas for later hehehehehe. Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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