Chapter 8

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The next day

Aphmaus pov
Currently me,Katelyn,kawaii chan,cadenza,and Lucinda are all sitting in the living room of mine and travis' house talking. Travis is laying across the couch with the goofiest grin. We wanted to see how long it would take the girls to notice the ring on my finger. Half way through our conversation Katelyn looked at Travis and said "What's with the look?" He shrugged and she said "Aph your boyfriend is weird." I laughed and said "He is pretty weird isn't he?" Travis said "I'm still here you know?" Everyone laughed and all of a sudden cadenza squealed causing everyone to look at her. She had the happiest/most shocked look on her face. Lucinda said "What's wrong cadenza?" She looked at me and said "Is-Is that?" I nodded and she attacked me into a hug. Travis started laughing and everyone else was still absolutely confused. Cadenza held up my hand and said "SHE HAS AN ENGAGEMENT RING!" Everyone simultaneously gasped and hugged me. I giggled and Katelyn said "You're engaged. Ohhh my Irene. Oh my Irene." I nodded and said "Yes I am. Calm down Katelyn." Kawaii chan said "Kawaii chan is sooo happy for aphmau senpai and travis kun! When's the wedding?!" I said "Woah there slow down he just proposed yesterday! We haven't even thought about the actual wedding yet." She frowned and Travis said "Don't worry Kawaii chan we'll start planning soon I promise." She smiled and Katelyn said "You told the guys yet?" I shook my head and said "No actually. We're going over to tell them right after you guys leave." She nodded and for the next hour we talked until they left. After they left we went to the guys house and went in. The guys were sitting in the living room playing call of duty on the tv. I chuckled and we went over. "Hey guys!" I said as we sat down next to them. They paused the game and Laurence said "Oh hey guys I didn't know you were coming over today. Not trying to be rude but why are you here today?" Travis smiled and said "Look at aphs hand." They all did as he said and as soon as they seen the ring they all looked at us wide eyed. I started laughing and Laurence said "Are you two engaged?!" I nodded and Dante said "Wow! Congrats guys! When's the we-" I cut him off by saying "We don't know. He just proposed yesterday. We haven't even thought anything about planning." Travis said "The girls asked us the exact same thing." Laurence put a hand over his heart and said "You told the girls first? I'm hurt." I rolled my eyes and said "Ah Laurence always such a drama queen." Travis laughed and garroth said "She's not wrong about that. You can be over dramatic sometimes." Laurence said "Ok how did we go from talking about you two getting engaged to hating on me eh?" I shrugged and we ended up staying at the guys house for awhile just talking,playing games,all that. I beat everyone at 1v1 matches on call of duty which they weren't to happy about but oh well. Around midnight we went back home and after getting something to eat I was out like a light.

This was Just a little filler showing them telling everyone. The wedding will be very soon don't worry! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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