❅Hard To Love❅- Chapter 7

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[Pitch's POV]

I looked through one of the windows of North's workshop.

Jack and Elsa were busy throwing snowballs at each other while the guardians were laughing.

Except for Tooth. Okay change of plans. I'll kidnap Tooth, and make her one of mine. Then they will come and save her, but they'll all get killed. By us. Perfect.

"My my, what a commotion here.' I said as I barged in, interrupting their fun.

"OH NO B*TCH IS HERE AHH HANG IN THERE GUYS!!' Olaf suddenly screamed, diverting my attention to him. [A\N I'm sorry for that little vulgar there :P]

"What the? I'm PITCH. Who is this clump of snow? GO AWAY!" I shouted at that snow person, sending a blast of  dark at him and he fell.

"OLAF!" Elsa screamed but I heard a small mumble "I'm okay!" and Elsa heaved a sigh of relief.

Jack immediately went in front of Elsa and muttered, "Don't hurt her." [A\N This is the scene where the picture is from :) P.S Please don't remove my watermark if you use it for other reasons. Ask me first maybe? :) I made it myself so yah.]

"Protecting your girlfriend Frost? Aha, so sweet. But I'm not fighting you yet. I'm not that dumb to fight two people who can control ice and snow. I just want-"

"Want who, Pitch? Its not like you can take anyone from us, mate." Bunny interrupted, getting ready his boomerangs.

"Ha! Well, I've gotten stronger, and I want.... her," I chuckled, pointing at Tooth.

I then sent a blast of darkness into Tooth, and she fell unconscious. I then snapped my fingers to summon a dark horse and pick her up.

"NOOOOOO!" Jack said, sending a blast of ice at me but I easily blocked it with a shield.

"Say good bye to your little friend!" I shouted at the guardians before disappearing with Tooth and my horse.

Well, you're next, Snow girl.

[Elsa's POV]

"You okay?" Jack asked me, tension building up in his voice.

I nodded, my fists clenching.

I looked at the time. It was 1am in the morning.

"I think we should all get some rest mates. Tooth knows best, She'll know what to do." Bunny reassured us and giving a smile, but we all know that deep down, he was worried.

-The next morning-

I woke up in my bed, given to me by North the night before. The walls were sky blue, completed with silver snowflakes.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, my hair gleaming in the light. I got up and showered, changing into a teal dress with a sweetheart bodice with bronze lacing, black sleeves, black shoes, and a magenta cape. I tied my hair into an elaborate bun and completed my look with grayish-pink eye shadow and magenta lipstick. I looked across the room, and saw my light teal gloves on the dressing table.


"You have to be who you are, Elsa. Once you do, you can do anything you want," Jack chuckled softly. "Or to start it off, all you have to do is... think of me."

-End of flashback-

I heaved a sigh. I left my gloves in my room and walking out the door. Okay. Think of Jack, Jack Frost. His beautiful ice blue eyes, his flirty smirk, his handsome face, his soft, white hair... Woah am i complimenting him? Ugh.

When I entered the globe room, which was shown to me by Sandy, who was surprisingly awake at this hour, (Its 5am, believe it our not)  I saw Jack sitting on a couch, his two thumbs supporting his head. When he looked up at me, my mouth formed into the shape of an 'o'.

His white hair was messed up, he looked tired, eye bags circling his once vibrant eyes.

"I see you're up early," Jack said, smirking. But his smirk was just a faint one.

"Why are you like this??"

"Couldn't sleep."

"I know, we're all worried for Tooth. But everyone could sleep. Don't be like this. You have a few more hours left. I command you to sleep now."

"You're not my mum."

"Oh yeah? Well I'm the queen! So shut your mouth and sleep."

"Fine, Your Bossiness." he chuckled and fell asleep once his head touched the back of the couch.

I giggled softly.

Aww, he's so cute when he's sleeping!


Please, don't tell me I'm falling for him.

 [Pitch's POV]

"Let me go!" Tooth screamed at me, kicking at the cage.

"You hate Elsa, don't you?" I asked her, changing the topic.

"You hate her being with Jack, you hate that Jack always flirts with her,"

She grips her head with frustration, her teeth clenched.

"You're afraid about what the guardians will think about them. You're afraid that Jack will fall in love with Elsa. You're afraid that Elsa will fall in love with him. You're afraid that-"

"Stop it, STOP IT! I do hate her, but she's not immortal. She'll die when you kill her! Stay away from her or else-"

"Or else what? You'll stick a quarter under my pillow?" I chuckled, and my horses neighed.

I snapped my fingers once again, and one of my horses injected black sand into her.

"Good night, my minion. Sweet nightmares..." I whispered in her ear as she dropped to the ground and her eyes began changing from purple to yellow.

[WADDUP PEPO! So did you guys have a great Christmas? :)) What did ya guys get? Guess what? I GOT NOTHING! Lawl I don't celebrate Christmas.

It was reallyyy difficult trying to visualize what would happen to Tooth. But yea, here it is! Its not actually a cliffhanger. I wanted it to be, but I'm a failure at these sorts of things :P

THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS. I'm sooo close to 3k reads and 150 votes! I couldn't have done it without you guys!

Btw, I already have done covers for 2 people! So, if you want a Jelsa cover, you can inbox me! :D]

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