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Kurt's point of view

It was just a normal day at school. Well kinda normal. I was walking from glee club already in a bit of a mood because we had just been told we're doing another Boys vs Girls assignment. And Mr. Schuester wouldn't let me join the girl's team like I wanted. And I'll admit, it hurt. On top of that, I got pushed up against a locker. Of course I knew who it was. It was the football Jock known as Dave Karofsky.  He has been messing with me for a while now. But this time something clicked in my brain that made me lose control for a bit. "What is your problem?!" I yelled getting his attention. He turned around and walked up to me. My heart fell to my stomach. "You talking back to me?" He asked with rage. I was scared but I stood my ground. "You want a piece of The Fury?" He said and raised his fist at me. I was confused. "The Fury?" I asked in disbelief. "It's what I call my fists." He said still with his fist very close to my face. Knowing him, as a bully at least, I knew he would seriously hurt me. But I did not back down this time. "Well, with that level of creativity you could have easily become assistant manager at a rendering plant."   I don't know where that came from. But like I said, no backing down, Kurt. Not now.   Karofsky looked at me with confusion. "I don't what that is,(AN: Neither do I) but if I find out its bad...The Fury's gonna find you!" He shoved me again and walked away. I leaned against the locker with my head to the sky. 'Why does this happen to me.' I asked in my mind.  'No don't let this faze you, Kurt.' I said to myself. But that's just it. Its all starting to get to me. Mr. Schue saw me and called me into his office. "Is there anything that I can do?" He asked handing a cup of water. I sighed.  "No. This is my hill to climb alone." I said.  "Can I be honest? I think its getting to you. Usually this stuff rolls fight off your back. But lately you've been belligerent, angry, pushing people away." He said.
I cut him off. "Can I be honest with you? I feel like you and everyone else at this school are too quick to let homophobia slide. And your lesson plans are boring and repetitive. Boys vs Girls? That doesn't challenge any of us." I said.  "Because I didn't let you join the girls like you wanted." He said.  I sighed. "To answer your question, yes. I'm unhappy. And yes, being the only out gay kid at this school gets me down, but most of all... I'm not challenged in the least here." That's when I got up and left. (Back at Glee club.)  "Look I'm not tossing the baby out with the bath water here." Mr. Schue began. -"I've totally done that." Brittany said. But Mr. Schue continued. "We're just making an adjustment. Boys, you are now doing songs traditionally sung by girl groups." I then got really really happy! It's been a while since I've been actually listened to. "And girls, try some classic rock. Uh... The Who, The Stones. The more opposite your choice, the more points you get." Mr. Schue finished. I leaned in to say to the boys, "Don't worry, gentlemen. I have this one under control." After we left me and the boys went into an empty classroom to go over our "Game plan". See what I did there?
Hehehe. I don't get football...
"Now, for this medley to work, I'm gonna have to sing lead. And of course when you're singing Diana Ross, feather boas are a must-" I attempted to say, but Artie cut me off. "Kurt, isn't this lesson about opposites? I mean you in a sequin gown and feather boa is exactly what you'd expect." He said.
"Okay who said anything about a gown?" I asked. And of course, Puck had to add in his opinion. "Uh, dude why don't you make yourself useful and go put some rat poison in their Jello (Puck's talking about one of the glee clubs we'll be up against in the competition btw.) or visit the Garglers?"   "The Warblers." I corrected him. "Whatever." See what they're up to. You can wear all the feathers you want and you'll fit right in. He said and tossed a football to Finn. My head turned to face the floor. "Fine." I said disheartened.

Time skip to Dalton
All the boys at Dalton were wearing really nice blazers. Since I was technically spying, I wore a black tux with a blue tie with red piping to blend in the best I could. There was a curly haired boy in front of me and I tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me."I said. He turned around to look at me. The first thing I noticed was his chocolate brown eyes. They we're perfectly almond shaped too. 'Stop it Kurt. Stick to the plan' I thought to myself to snap out of the trance. "Hi can I ask you a question I'm new here." He smiled at me and stuck out his hand. "My name's Blaine." He said. "I'm Kurt." I said returning his handshake. "So what exactly is going on"? I asked. "The Warblers. Every now and then they put on a little impromptu performance. It tends to shut the school down for a while." He said. Everyone was rushing into the choir room. "Wait so the glee club here is kinda cool?" I asked. Blaine was quick to answer. "The Warblers are like rock stars." He said. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I've never heard of a school ever respecting their glee club. I've seen too many glee kids get a slushy to the face, including me, to ever think that didn't happen anywhere else. "Come on. I know a shortcut." Blaine said and took my hand. We ran down the hallway and my mind was going a million miles a minute. All I could think was, 'omg, omg, omg! He's holding my hand. He's holding my freaking hand!' We finally reached the choir room. I looked around and found all the guys seemed really excited to see the Warblers. I also noticed how different my outfit was from the rest of the guys. "Oh, I stick out like a sore thumb." I said.
"Well then next time don't forget your jacket, new kid. Now if you'll excuse me." He said in a sly way and stepped away. The other Warblers started vocalizing so I knew they we're about to sing.
Before you met me, I was alright but things we're kind of heavy you brought me to life now every February you'll be my valentine, valentine.
Blaine was singing Teenage Dream. His voice was so smooth and clear. Like he was singing right to me. Actually he was singing to me on account of what happened next.
Let's go all the way tonight no regrets, just love. We can dance until we die you and I will be young forever! You make me feel like I'm living a Teenage Dream the way you turn me on I can't sleep. Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back.
Blaine pointed at me when he sang this part and I swooned. I smiled at him and he winked back. Wait a I like Blaine? No I just met him, I don't.
Imma get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans be your Teenage Dream tonight. Let you put your hands on me in skin tight jeans be your Teenage Dream tonight.
Let me rephrase that... I want him to be MY Teenage Dream.

Time Skippie
(Watch vid above⤴)

Back at McKinley, I was walking down the hall when I got a text from Blaine. I read it and it said, "Courage." I grinned at the message. Blaine really seemed like he cared about me. I mean he cared enough to remind me to be brave so...I'll try to be. For him and for me too. However while looking at my phone, Karofsky slapped it out of my hands and shoved me. That was the final straw. With all the anger and sadness and frustration, I pushed myself to run after him. 
"Hey!!!" I screamed. I chased him to the locker room. "I am talking to you!"   "Girl's locker room's next door." He said in a snarky tone. But I wasn't having it. "What is your problem?" I asked. "Excuse me?" He asked. But I went on. "What are you so scared of ?" I asked.
"Besides you sneaking in here to peek at my junk?" He said. That really pissed me off. "Oh yeah, every straight guy's nightmare. That all us gays are secretly out to molest and convert you. Well guess what, you're not my type." I said. I was just trying to get to him but...he really isn't my type. "Is that right?" He asked getting closer to me. "Yeah. I don't like chubby boys who sweat too much and are going to be bald by the time their thirty!" I said standing on my toes trying to get as close to his face as possible. "Don't push me, Hummle." He said raising his fist to my face. I glance at it for a second and back at his mean face. "You gonna hit me? Do it." I said.
"Don't push me." He said slamming the locker closed. "Hit me because it won't change who I am. You can't punch the gay out of me anymore than I punch the ignorance out of you!" I screamed.  "GET OUT OF MY FACE!" He yelled. But I didn't back off. "You are nothing but just a scared little boy who can't handle how extraordinarily ordinary you are!" I cried. Now I could have said more but I couldn't. Not because I didn't want to, but because he pressed our faces together and...he kissed me. He pulled away and looked into my frightened eyes. He tried to kiss me again but I pushed him away gripping my chin in fear. Dave angrily slammed the locker and ran away crying. I couldn't comprehend what just happened to me. It felt wrong, it felt sick, it felt like all the innocence was drained from my being. All I could do was cry silently and stand in the now empty locker room. Even with me in it it felt empty. I felt empty...
The next day Blaine said he would come over to McKinley and talk to Dave. "Thanks again for coming, Blaine. I said. "Don't worry about it. Just let me do all the talking." He said. And that reassured me. I spotted Karofsky. "There he is." I said kind of hiding behind him. "I got your back." He said. "Excuse me?" Blaine said to Dave. "Hey lady boys. This your boyfriend Kurt?" He asked sarcastically. 'I wish' I thought. "Kurt and I would like to talk to you about something." He said. "I gotta go to class." He said and pushed past me. "Kurt told me what you did." Said Blaine.
This got his attention. "What's that?" He asked much more intrigued than resentful. "You kissed me." I chimed in. Dave looked around to make sure no one was looking and said, "I don't know what you're talking about." I turned to Blaine waiting for an answer. "It seems you might be a little bit confused, and that's totally normal. This is a very hard thing to come to terms with, and you should just know you're not alone." Blaine said. Dave turned to Blaine fast and grabbed his shirt and had rage in his eyes. "Do not mess with me." He said. "You have to stop this!" I said and got him off of Blaine. Karofsky cracked his knuckles and stomped away.
"Well he's not coming out any time soon." He said. I sat on a stair and stared at my feet. "Hey, why are you so upset?" He asked. "Because until yesterday I had never been kissed. Or at least one that counted." I said. Blaine nodded and patted my back. "Come on, I'll buy you lunch." He offered. I nodded and got up. I'm glad Blaine is helping me. And I'm glad I found someone who understands. Even if this whole thing never gets straightened out, I'll still have him. And maybe I'll stay at Dalton for a while, until this all blows over. With him by my side, I'm not that scared of whats to come. And at the end of the day I stick by my word and never change who I am. Besides, I'm proud to be different. It's the best thing about me.

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