He Means Nothing To Me

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(Kurt, there is a moment when you say to yourself, "Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you forever.")

Kurt's point of view

Blaine were taking a walk in Central Park on a sunny Saturday morning. We decided to take a break and stopped at a coffee shop nearby. We sat down at one of the tables when I noticed some guy staring at Blaine. I hoped it wasn't who I thought it was, but of course it was Sebastian Smythe. He was an old friend of Blaine's, and I despise him. Sebastian stood up and walked to us. He stood behind Blaine and covered his eyes with his hands. "Guess who." Sebastian said not disguising his voice at all. "Um...is it Sebastian?" He asked sarcastically. "Right as always, Blainey." He said. Uh, I'm sorry, Blainey?! No, he can't call him that. Blainey is one of my nicknames for him. Pet names is strike one. "It's crazy. I'm sitting down over there checking out this guy and I say, wait a second, I recognize that hair anywhere. What's up, buddy? I haven't seen you in ages." He said. All I could do is smile and nod along and pray he goes away. "Hi, Kurt." He added. I wanted to say something, but I didn't want anything coming out of my mouth that shouldn't. "Well Kurt and I have been really busy with school. We're thinking about doing a duet." He said. "Yeah, we've been practicing "Come What May"...together." I said trying to be subtle. Blaine looked at me and squeezed my hand in a loving way. "Well if anyone can pull off a song like that, it's Blaine Anderson, right?" He said looking at me. He only mentioned Blaine and not me. Key word, duet! This is strike two, Smythe. "Right." Blaine said. "Both Kurt and I will do amazingly I'm sure."

I was glad Blaine noticed Sebastian didn't mention me. Blaine got up to go to the bathroom and it was just Sebastian. It was awkward for a moment, but I finally said what I wanted to for a while. "I don't like you." I said. "Good. I don't like you either." He smugly said. But I went on. "I don't like the way you talk to my boyfriend." I said. He smiled devilishly at me. "And do you think he'll be your boyfriend for long?" He asked. What did he mean? "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Blaine is too good for you, Hummel." He said. And that is strike three. His words lit a fuse inside of me. He dared to say that to me, and I wasn't having it. "Blaine loves me. And he would never leave me to be with someone like you." I said angrily. "Are you sure about that?" He asked. I scowled at him. Just then, Blaine came back. "What are you two talking about?" He asked us. "Uh, duh! The next time we're going out for drinks, killer!" He said not taking his eyes off of Blaine. "Uh oh." Blaine said playfully. "Well I gotta run. But take care of that Warbler, Kurt." He said and winked at Blaine. I was so happy he had left. I felt like I was about to pounce on him just then. We left soon after and started our walk home. Blaine noticed I was frowning all the way back there. At home, Blaine wanted to know what was wrong with me. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked. But I didn't answer.

Blaine's point of view.

Something was wrong with Kurt. He hasn't even make eye contact with me since we left the coffee shop. I missed those big, blue, gorgeous eyes looking back at me. I have to ask him. I can't stand to see him upset, especially at me. "Hey, are you alright?" I asked. No answer. "Kurt?" I ask again. He answers this time. "You and Sebastian seem really close." He said. "This is about him? Kurt we've been over this. Sebastian and I are just friends." He said. "Well, have you ever noticed the way he talks to you, or the way he stares at you. Or..." I said. But Blaine cut me off. "Wait... I'm sure this is just all in your head." He said. "Is it? Is it all in my head that he calls you "Blainey"? Is it all in my head that he has never said one good thing about me? Is it all in my head that he says I'm not good enough for you?" He asked. Kurt's anger soon turned to sadness as he sat down on the couch with his head in his hands. "Just admit you like him. I don't want to get in your way. I just want you to be happy. Whether you're with me or not." He said with tears in his eyes. "YOU make me happy! You're my everything, my soulmate, my other half, my rock. And I don't like Sebastian. You know this, Kurt." He said. Blaine sighed. "Come here." He commanded. I went to him and we stood inches away from each other. "Take your hand, and hold it to your heart." "Just like the song?" I asked. "Just like the song." He answered. "Kurt... Sebastian doesn't mean anything to me. And you're right, I should've been more aware of him and, I'm sorry." He said wiping my tears. "You're an idiot, Blaine Anderson." I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck. "But I'm your idiot." He smiled and kissed me. I decided to add to this moment. "Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide." I sang waiting for Kurt's response. And he did "But I love you." "I love you." I answered. "Until the end..." He continued. But we finished in unison. "...Of time." We said together. "Come What May..." Blaine spun me around the room. "Come What May. I will love you... I will love you." We finished singing. "I'm so proud to be with you." Kurt said as I put him down. "I hope so. I want you to be." I said crying a little myself now. I wiped his tears this time. "And no matter who we become, we'll always belong to each other." Kurt said smiling. "Forever and always." I said. "No more tears, love." He said. I nodded and we hugged. "We should practice our duet." He said. I tapped him on the nose and said, "Right as always, Blainey." He stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same. Needless to say, Blaine meant what he said. He wasn't going to let Sebastian get in the way of our relationship. He is the love of my life and nothing and no one is going to come between us.  

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