Chapter Fourty One

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We all sat around the campfire like happy campers telling stories, laughing and breaking into coughs if it was a good laugh.

"I remember when we did that project in chemistry class.." Kyle says, and Miranda laughs, her shoulder trembling. I laid down, tired already and closed my eyes.

I could live like this... hardly any walkers came to this little gift shop. We could wait for Hunter, I was growing more and more hopeful that he was alive. I closed my eyes and felt the need to go back, just go back to that camp to help him. I knew the risk. I closed my eyes, he wants me to take care of Emily. I thought silently. I stared at the shadows of my friend's on the walls from the campfire.  

 I drifted to sleep and suddenly I open my eyes and find myself unable to sleep. Like something was there, so I stepped outside, thinking I need fresh air, but no.

Someone was there. A walker. I assumed. The silhouette of the person was walking opposite direction from where I was. I could see their long back silky hair. They carried a bag. Walkers don't carry things.. my whole body tenses up. Who was it?

The person stops and turns and I froze. They looked as pale as a ghost, I could see their dark eyes and red lips. They held a lumpy shaped bag and bow and arrow in the other hand. I was suddenly grabbed and pressed into the wall behind the pillar on the front of the gift shop.

Luis had hidden me, he uncovered my mouth and I peeked from behind the pillar to see the person was running away now, they stopped and took a turn and they were gone. I turned to Luis, who was peering behind me taking slowly paced breaths.

"Lara." He says and looks back behind me and his eyes dart around the dark city street and he pulls me back into the gift shop.

"Who was that?" He whispers, looking at the window behind me every second.

"Oh, I know who it is.." I say beaming at him, sarcasm dripping in my voice. "It's bob the builder," I respond sarcastically. His lip twitches and he looked annoyed.

"They looked like they were hunting for food... they won't have any luck here, walkers drove away animals," Luis says.

"How do you know?" I ask out of curiosity.

"I used to go hunting for the group while in camp. I had no luck, I ended up hunting walkers."

"Hunting walkers?" I ask. "That doesn't matter." He mumbles.

"Maybe it was someone just hunting and not looking for trouble." I assume. He looks at me for a while and then nods, "but we should still stay alarmed."

I went back to my sleeping spot, and he took guard.


I woke up the next morning, groggily and yawning. The day was normal, and I sat beside Kyle eating can of corn while Beverly changed his bandages. She frowned at his arm. "What is it?" Kyle asks.

"It's infected." She says, tilting her head, she looks at Kyle, "We need to get medicine." She says.

I felt guilty automatically. If it was my fault for Kyle's infected arm, I needed to help, so I was the first to volunteer. "I'll go on a supply run." I quickly say.

"No, I'll be fine," Kyle says, out of stupidity. I stand, "You won't be fine. Somebody has to tell you that." I tell him, and place the can of corns on the counter and give Kyle a bottle of water. He hesitates, and then sighs, shaking his head.

"Just be careful, ok... and for goodness sake, take someone with you." He says, his eyes avoiding mines. "It's dangerous out there. Those people that killed my sister, are still out there. Can't lose you either." Kyle coughs.

His sister. I felt guilty again and I was on my way to find medicine. I grabbed a handgun and shoved it into my waistband. I was halfway out the gift shop when I bumped into Jone and Emily, Jone was haunched over a trash can and Emily was peeking into the window of an empty store next to the gift store.

Jone grabs a lighter out of the trash can and tests it. He cursed and tosses the lighter back into the trash can.

I ran past him while he was looking into the trash can.

"Where are you going?" Jone asks, noticing how I was walking down the empty roads, head down. I stopped, and slowly told him "Supply run."

"Alone?" He asks, like a concerned father. "Are you a suicide bomber now?" Jone asks, his voice seemed to level out, louder than usual.

"I'm coming with you." He says, and tucks his shotgun under his arm, "wait there," he says and goes into the gift shop and Emily follows. They both come out, "I had to tell them we were going, and if we're gone for too long, to stay put."

All three of us began walking, killing any nearby walkers. I killed the last walker with my knife, barely killing it but luckily it died. Then I noticed Emily was with us.

"Emily's going?" I ask looking at her. She was looking at the city, her eyes squinted from the sunlight.


"Jone?" I ask. He looks at me sideways, and I smile. "Are you our leader now?" I ask. He paused, stopping.

Emily stopped and turned back, confused when she noticed the both of us were way behind. Jone did sign language and she smiled, and laughs, it was a light laugh. "When did you learn sign language?" I ask.

Jone steps over a walker body in the street, and Emily knifes a walker.

"While you were sleeping, I saw you hanging onto the sign language book..." Jone says, "You never read it, like you said you would.. and we need everyone to know sign language... for Emily."

"You didn't answer my question. And what did you tell Emily?" I ask.

"Yea I'm the leader. If that's what everyone is ok with.." he says, looking directly at me. "And I told Emily, that Lara is my wingman."

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