Chapter Fifty Nine

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"Who's that girl?" He asks, walking towards us, his dog by his legs eager. The dog came up to me, sniffing my legs. I look down at the dog, who was panting with his tongue hanging out his mouth.

"Who are you?" I snap back.

"Me? Honey, I'm the legend. I'm Gerick. Gerick Black." He says and removes the skull bandanna from his lips. He had a smirk on his face, he offers a hand for me to shake.

I shake my head. "I don't do handshakes."

He pauses, and then tilts his head, "Understandable." He says, "What's your name?" He asks.

"Lara." I simply respond. He smiles, "Nice to know ya, Lara this is my best friend... My dog, Max. Don't worry.. he won't bite." Gerick says, his turquoise blue eyes seemed to be smiling. "Friendliest dog on the planet."

His dog Max, was licking my pants. I slowly, a cautiously scratch Max's behind the ears and he licks my hands. He was a friendly dog. "He only attacks when I say the word," Gerick says, and grins.

"Attack!" Gerick says. The dog didn't bite me though, it just looks at Gerick. "That isn't the word... it's a code word only me and he knows." Gerick grins.

"Oh! Niommi I almost forgot about you baby!" Gerick says and hugs her. The hug surprised her and me too, making me question their relationship.

Niommi eyes widen, she was surprised and shocked. I was confused, the dog seemed to be confused too.

"Why don't you two come into my little shelter?"


The building seemed more like a homemade shelter. Gerick collapses on the folding chair and grabs the can of soda from the table beside him and leans back. He takes a sip and grins at his dog.

His dog was circling me, eagerly. Gerick chuckles and snaps his finger, "Max, sit." Max sits, right near my legs.

Niommi was just standing there, she still seemed stunned by the hug.

"I missed you Niommi.. Where have you been anyway? Where's your kid brother?" Gerick asks.

"He's dead." Niommi deadpans. There's a settling silence. Gerick closes his eyes and shakes his head. "He's in a better place. That's for sure." Gerick says, his eyes drift to me.

"Where'd you find Lara?" He asks, motioning to me. "Was she there to help when you left me?"

"I've been held hostage by a cannibal family for the last 28 weeks... where have you been?" Niommi says, her voice cracking as she shakes her head.

Gerick sits up and motions his hands around the building. "Baby, you left me. I wasn't going after a girl that threatened to kill me if I went after her."

Niommi looks at the floor. "Cannibals?" Gerick snickers. "Wow, this apocalypse is really taking a turn," Gerick says. I was more confused than ever.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?!" I ask. Gerick chuckles. "She didn't tell you?" Gerick asks, looking at me.

"I'm her boyfriend. I saved her." Gerick says a grin comes on his face. "I taught her survival, aka the bow and arrow. We joined the Smokes, stole their things, found her brother." My eyes widen. Did he use to be in that group?

He was one of the mask people. "The Smokes offered to take us back in, she refused and she took her brother and hit the road with half of my supplies... And! My bow and arrow... and I had a war with the Smokes, they said they'd kill me if they saw me again."

"And boom! The love story." Gerick grins at her. "My runaway love... she's back!" Gerick says. Niommi grits her teeth, "Just, please. Tell us where ArringTon is." She says.

"ArringTon? Easy." He says, interested.

"Tell us... I know you have maps," Niommi says. Gerick looks at me and then at Niommi, "I was debating on where to head out to. I'll be heading out with you two.. maybe I'll rebuild my friendship with you... Niommi." He says, his voice was sad now.

"I'll take you guys to ArringTon. Free." He says and then laughs. "A good deal right? And I come with the purchase! And so does Max!! Max, we are finally getting out of this dump." Gerick says.

"Well... what are you two waiting for? Let's hit the road!!"


My eyes open, and I remember I had fallen asleep in the backseat.

I look at the window, seeing the large fields, and the trees that were growing for the new season.

A couple of walkers were wondering in the fields, they would turn, probably noticing the van.

I sit up and walk to the seat in front of me where Niommi was sitting. It was a pretty big van. Not to mention, Gerick had all of his supplies in the back area of the trunk.

This guy had a lot of food, a lot of supplies. He could start his own group if he wanted to.

We had been in the van all night, I was sitting in the back, so was Niommi and Max the dog was sitting in the front seat with his head out the window.

"Airport?" I ask. Niommi nods, pointing to the map. "An airport is right near ArringTon, where Gerick will most likely make a new home out of."

"But that place is big.," I say, looking at the map. "It could be filled with walkers..." I tell her, tracing the map.

"You guys call them walkers?" I hear Gerick step in, pulling the curtains to the front seat back. "I and Niommi used to call them Ghouls..." Gerick says.

I notice he isn't driving. "Why aren't you driving?" I ask.

"Because we're here."

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