Chapter Fifty One- The Road

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Sleeping in the woods while it's pitch black night and very cold... It's as bad I thought it was, not to complain or anything. I hadn't even gone to sleep yet and I was already assuming how bad it was. The inside of my mouth of parched and my face felt sore. It was strange traveling with Niommi.
The sun hadn't fallen yet, and Niommi was planning her thoughts silently and I wondered if I was a part of her next move. My stomach growled, and it was louder than I thought it was because Niommi's head rose from her hands and she looked towards me. "What?" I whisper, and stare at the fire I was trying to get to work. I could imagine a can of food roasting over the fire... My mouth was too dry to water, but my stomach growled again, and I scrunched up my nose. "You're hungry." She says and begins to stand, her slim arms reaching for her bow and arrow that wasn't too far from her.
"I'm not eating a survivor," I say and I stop trying to make the fire when I notice Niommi had frozen before she had said anything. I looked up too, and I froze too.

At first, it was hard to tell what it was. But then I noticed from its brown color. A deer. Standing not too far away, it's innocent eyes flickering to the corner as if it saw us too.
"I'm hungry too." She informs and raises her bow and arrow. I just sit there watching, my body still frozen. It's a clean shot, I've never seen an animal die, I almost felt bad for the poor fellow...


Tears welled in my eyes and I blinked them away. You won't cry... I didn't know why I was so emotional at the time. My friends were out there... I was so far away from them. The fire was bright and blazing, and the deer meat was okay.

It was the best food I had eaten in days. Niommi had kept the scraps of meat for later, and ran down to the lake while I was eating. The water was boiled lake water that Niommi had gotten... and that was okay too... I wasn't the type of complaining person... Mostly since I had been starving.
I wondered if Jone was on a lower level than Niommi. In survival sense. She seemed like a pro at survival based on what I had seen... I finished the meat and Niommi handed me something, it took a while to see what it was. The firelight cast the hint that it was a shotgun. I nod and take the shotgun, glad to feel safe with the gun my hands. I place the gun beside my leg. My poor leg. My leg had been outstretched in front of me, and Niommi had helped me change the bandage and clean the wound.
She finished her deer meat, and she was silent, staring off into the night. The moonlight was bright, and the air was eerie. I sunk into my jacket, I had draped it over my body which was uncontrollably trembling from what I guess was the shock.
"Were you searching for medicine?" Niommi asks, her eyes staring off into the darkness... "the day your friend shot my leg armor?"
Leg armor? "Yes... my friend... he has an infected wound," I whisper, staring at the girl with curiosity. I glanced at her legs and noticed the leather cloth tied tightly around her legs.
"We head for medicine by sunrise." She says, and that's all she says because she lays down and she's asleep before I can ask her about taking guard.
      I grit my teeth as I glanced around the darkness. I curled up the best I could, placing my head on my knees so I was balled up away from the world. The Wild World.
The next morning, I slowly opened my eyes, surprised we had survived. When I looked at the burned-out fire pit, and past it... she wasn't there, neither was her bow and arrow. I didn't panic, I just grabbed my shotgun and did 360 degree crawls to check my surroundings. The forest was still eerie and the sun shined down on me.
       I waited, she said we would look for medicine as soon as the sun rose, however, that wasn't the case now. I was pretty sure it was already some time in the afternoon.
I pulled my fingers through my hair, I hadn't combed my short hair ever since Luis let me use the shower at the camp.
I sat there for a while. "You ready?" I hear her say. She was standing behind me, holding her bow and arrow. I force a nod.

I didn't think trying to walk would be so painful.


I managed to be walking in limping movements, every now and then I would use the long stick. Niommi told me we were going to a nearby town to a shop she knew had medicine.
I asked her how she knew there was still any, and she said she hid them last time she was there. We had been walked down the empty street for hours. Walkers did get in the way, but it wasn't a problem. Neither was food, we still had the crispy deer meat. My mouth watered when we stopped to eat.
I wolfed down the slice and Niommi handed me another. I looked up at her with an unsure look, but I did take the meat and eat it. Then I drank the water we had saved, and we were low on supplies again. However, we were in the town. It was an empty town, just like the city. A couple of buildings, trees... I sat on the hood of a car and sighed.
Niommi searched the car, saying she had hidden the keys to the medicine room in the building. While I waited, I stared at the sky.
I gripped my gun when I saw a ring of smoke nearby in the sky.

"I see smoke," I tell her when she lifts her head from the car. She doesn't seem to panic, "Someone is probably out there.. let's try not to interfere with their paths." She says and hooks the keys onto her jacket.
We were moving again, "We're close... stick close behind me, there are people around." I wondered if we would ever come across nice people... I mean.. I came across Niommi. She's ok. I met Luis, it wasn't an introduction anyone would want. I met Beverly. She wasn't nice at first... but why was every out there... crazy?
       We approached a building, that had the letter NJ painted over them, and Niommi stopped at the door. I did too and waited. Soon... I heard a voice that I remembered... a loud booming voice. One of the table members... it was Wells. Why was that man here?! My stomach did flips, and held my shotgun up. Niommi backed away from the door too and began to turn away.

"We have to leave.. fast."

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