3 - Janitors

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Bella grabs my hand. Bella was one of those girls that when she got scared, she had to hold someone's hand for safety and I was the safety, the safety that needed safety its self.

Suddenly the bangs stop and everyone looks around confused. Suddenly it starts again and the door flies open.

Zombies creak in and Bella screams and grabs a broom, she stabs the zombie in the face. It growls and falls, the broom presses through its head, and it doesn't move. One dead zombie... Three more to go...

Lucy suddenly grabs a metal pan and slams it again the teacher zombie's dis-formed head. Lucy slams it against her head again.

Bella grabs a butcher knife from the shelf and throws it at the third zombie coming in. The janitor closet wasn't that big, it was like a mini cafe for zombies at the moment. Three zombies were about to divide all 10 of us.

Bella backs away as the zombie stares at the butcher knife in its arm. It lets a scary screech and comes toward us again.

Bella grabs Hunter's hand.

I stare around.

This is the end...

The end.

Suddenly there were three loud gunshot bangs. The zombies fell to their knees and a man in baggy pants and a blue shirt was behind the zombies. Janitor Brown.

His gray hair was pulled back, and his big brown eyes staring at us.

I'm surprised he helped us, even after most of the students in this closet had disrespected him, like how Lucy, a punk rock emo girl, used to throw trash on the floor.

"Follow me." He said.

"Okay." Hunter was the first to step out. Everyone did and followed him. He held his shotgun close. His eyes scanning the cafeteria.

He walks to the door and kicks it open. I saw the parking lot outside the door, the rain pounded on the ground making it darker than the school.

We all follow him out and he went to the huge handy bus he drove. Eight-nine two. He quickly unlocked the bus door and crawled in.

"Get in!" He says.

"Where are we going?" Olivia asks. "Will I ever see my family again?!" She panics.

Everyone starts to remember that they have a family, somewhere out in the new world.

"Somewhere safe." He replies and starts the big bus up.

We pile in also, and I sit beside Bella. She pulls her knees in, and stares out the window, her hands tucked in with her sleeves over her trembling fingers.

Miranda leans to me, "Where is J.Brown taking us?" She asks. We called Janitor Brown, J brown because it some people said it had a cool catch to it.

"I think it's a safe shelter, the one they told everyone about in the news." I reply.

"Oh, okay.." She mumbles and goes quiet for a long time.

I sigh and look at my shoes.

Everyone watches as the school passes by, the school looked a mess, the flag was somehow ripped to shreds, the mascot of a bird was covered in blood, with a dead body leaning against it.

"Whoa," Bella said, and points a shaking finger to the window.

I turn to the window. Surprised and shocked. The sky was gray with no snow, not rain anymore, not sleet, not hail, but ashes...

They were floating through the sky, we were on the highway, on the way to the city. There were deserted cars on the streets, so the bus made surprising sharp turns.

I could see the city behind the huge trees, the buildings were burning too.

I looked back at Bella who was staring at the city, her eyes shocked as she glanced at the new highway, which was scary..

I saw a little zombie boy eating a man, on the side of the street. When we passed by, the boy's blood stained face turned to us, but it was a blur... It still scared me, and Bella too.

Bella shrank back.

Miranda tapped me again. Olivia was looking at us, her eyes scanning mines, it was like she was talking with her eyes saying, we won't live.

I shook my head slowly. "You think your mom from the hospital is still alive?" Miranda asks.

I shrug. That question was one I didn't want to think about... I just wanted to know that they were okay and that they were at the safe house already. Mom would've had full access to head to the safe house, and grab Sammy. I'll be fine, just as long as they are already there.

"Everyone okay?" The janitor asks.

"Yes..." Everyone grumbles.

"Good." He says.

"Where are we going?" Lucy asks, her mascara eyes scanning the bus. Lucy wasn't scared at all, just probably braver than everyone else, I admired her at the moment because I terrified. The only thing I could think about was my mom and sister. What time was it? Had they made to Sammy's school.

"To a safe shelter. But when it gets dark, we'll stay at a hotel." He says,

"I hope you teens know, that it will be most likely deserted, or filled with brain eaters." He reminds us.

"I've never been in a deserted hotel.. And I never wanted to go to one.." Kylia says, trying to make a conversation, her blonde hair tied into a ponytail and she seemed nervous about talking about silence itself.

"Zombies might be in. Mr. Brown do you have any more guns?" Kyle asks, and I remember the gun Janitor Brown used to kill the walkers.

"We're going to an ammunition shop." He says. I looked at the window, we were on the city street now.

Everyone got quiet and looked out the window.

Streets, messed up, scattered with papers, bodies, flipped cars, fewer zombies, broken windows in buildings, boarded windows with signs or words. One said Dead inside. A grave house basically.

I was starting to think there was a war here while we were in school.

The bus pulls into an empty spot.

It parks and turns off. Janitor Brown stands. "I'm taking four people in only. I need people in here to stay with the bus.." He says.

"Who wants to go out?" He asks.

Hunter raises a shaky hand. "Hunter," Janitor says, his eyes scan for any more volunteers.

Lucy raises a hand, "Every other man on this bus is a wuss, so I'll substitute." She says, her long black fingernails curling.

"Hunter, Lucy..." He says, his eyes scan again.

Just to prove he wasn't a wuss, the guy named Ricko raised a hand; his fierce brown eyes hitting hers with determination.

She rolls her eyes and crosses her legs. "Hunter, Lucy, Ricko..." Janitor says.. Miranda was about to raise a hand but instead, I do.

"Lara. Okay, Hunter, Ricko, Lucy and Lara are my partners." Janitor Brown says. I put on a scared smile, and stand, I move to the bus aisle and give Bella an assuring smile. She looks back at the window, still sad

I've never had I seen Bella so down before. My legs felt like jell sticks, and I felt dizzy already as if I were dreaming.

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