The news

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Robin's POV

   I came home not knowing my life was about to change for good. My tears had dried out earlier on  and my head was aching but I didn't want to go downstairs for some advil since I was sure to meet my mum. I'd been avoiding her all day.

"Andrea, it's time for dinner. Please come down and have something to eat" I groaned and covered my head with a pillow. I screamed. Some more tears were threatening to fall.

"Momma, I'm not hungry. Can I go out for a walk?" She didn't answer not that I expected her to. There came a knock but for some reason, I knew it was my little brother, Kieran.

" Kieran, why do they always send you to torment me?" I  Opened the door and he hugged me. For some reason, Kieran inherited my grandmother's grey eyes which turned silvery when he was so happy.

"They know you love me a lot" Kieran let go and took my hand. I sighed as I watched him. He was right. I wanted his life to be better than mine. I always wanted him to get the games boys his age had. I couldn't blame my parents for trying to make my life better even if I hated the decision they had made.

"There you are. I made your favourite. Spaghetti and meatballs" I looked at mom. She was fiddling with a napkin. Something that she did when she tried to get over guilt. She had a small streak of grey hair but that didnt hide the fact she was beautiful. Her emerald green eyes sparkled and her full lips looked inviting. No wonder my dad fell in love with her.

"Thanks, momma." I smiled a bit. "Won't dad be joining us tonight?"

"No, sweetheart. He had a night shift." I recognised the sadness in her voice. Dad worked as a server sometimes and a dishwasher at a restaurant nearby and we rarely spent time together as a family. I missed him a lot. I'm sure mum did too.

"Can we start eating? I'm hungry!" Momma and I laughed and the dinner mood lightened as Kieran told us stories of his day at school.  I was gonna miss him a lot. Who would take care of him?
I got the news as soon as I was leaving for work as a waitress at a nearby café. My mum's brother had  gotten in touch with her and asked her if I could come stay with him because he had no children of his own. He claimed wasn't ready to settle down and that was ironic seeing as he loved kids or so my mum said. He promised my mum he'd send me to New York to start my junior year at a flashy school. As if I needed that in my life right now.

"Kieran, go take your bath now. Your sister and I will clear the table." Uh-oh. I knew what was coming next and I didnt want to hear it. Kieran let out something that sounded like a growl and left the dining table. I hurried and lifted the plates to the kitchen but momma was hot on my trail.

"Robin, please think this through. It's an awesome opportunity!"

"Mom, I understand why you feel this way but I love Clarksville. I love River Hill. I have friends who wouldn't want to see me go" I lied and felt so bad about that. I never told momma I was picked on because I wasn't rich enough. It was hard enough on her that I was wearing hand me downs. It would kill her spirit to learn that I was bullied almost every day. She would get sad and dad would push himself to work harder which meant I'd never see him or hear his stories again. I didnt want that.
My momma and dad met at high school and she got pregnant later in their relationship. Their parents found out and were both angered and cut them off due to some misunderstandings. Momma rarely talked about her rich family so did dad. It was like the other part of them didnt exist. I knew they were both hurting but they were strong. I liked that about them.

"I know you like Clarksville but think of Kieran. Your father and I love you, Robin but if you go to  your Uncle Ted, you'll be his responsibility, we'll save more and give your brother everything he wants. Isn't that why you took on part time jobs? To give him a good life?" I hated it when she played the Kieran card. She was right. I wanted a good life for my little brother and a little pampering wouldn't hurt anyone right?

"When am I leaving?" She hugged me. I couldn't help but hug back and bite back my tears. I felt her tears on my back. For someone who showed such strength, I forget she cries sometimes.

"You'll leave on Wednesday, Robin."

"Momma! That's just two days from now!"

"I know. School would be starting in a week. Ted said you need to come immediately and get accustomed to life over there." I wiped a plate and  placed in a shelf.

"Alright. Momma, didn't you say your dad cut you off and forbade your siblings not to talk to you again?" I knew she didn't like talking about this but I wanted to know why after seventeen years her little brother contacted her and wanted to take care of me.

"Ted and I were very close. We were considered twins when we were growing up because we had the same featured just different eye colors. He and I shared secret letters over the years and whenever your dad and I were in trouble we would go to him for help." I nodded. My respect for my uncle grew.

"I have an early shift tomorrow, momma. I think I'll head  off to bed. Goodnight" I kissed her cheek and scrambled out of the room. I took a cold shower to clear my head and found my lucky pair of pyjamas. I closed my eyes and let sleep over come me.
I woke up a couple of hours to voices I realised belonged to my parents.  Naturally, I figured they were talking about me and curiosity won out so I snuck out to listen to them, careful not to make a peep.

"She agreed to go because of Kieran, Kian. I'm worried about her"

"Lorna, she'll be fine. Ted will take care of her or don't you trust your own brother?"

"I trust him and I know he'll spoil her" There was a little sadness in her voice. Did she miss being spoiled by her own father?

"Then why are you worried about her?"

"She has never been separated from Kieran for long. I know how much she feels like Kieran is her responsibility so she pushes herself so hard. I hope she is strong enough to stand the separation " my heart ached for my mum. I made up my mind not to make her worry about me anymore.

"She is like us, my love. She'll make it " I tiptoed back to bed into a dreamless sleep with tears falling from my eyes.

Hi everyone! I'm sure some of you have already read Girl Next Door but you'd realize there are a lot of changes in this chapter. The next chapters are going to be the same. If you're new here then welcome! I hope you love RoAn and Eli's journey
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