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Robin's POV

I didn't want to go to school today. Not after yesterday's fiasco. I can't believe I shouted at Frederick. I winced as I lay in bed relieving yesterday. It was because of Eli. Everything that happens now is always because of Eli. I reasoned miserably.
Uncle Ted was home when I came. Stan kept it a secret so I'd be happy but I felt anything but. Kieran was sick. I shouted at the guy who had saved me from humiliation. And who you'd given your first kiss to. A small voice in my mind said.
Uncle Ted had refused to let me skip school to see Kieran. I refused to eat dinner and locked myself in my room. I was used to hunger so missing just dinner didnt really hurt. I took a look at my phone. Twenty missed calls and a couple of messages. I shoved it in my bag and went to shower.
My uncle was downstairs sipping coffee when I went to see Flora.

"Good morning, Robin. How was your sleep?" I didn't know why he sounded cheerful.

"Morning, Uncle" I was looking around trying to spot Stanley. Flora had also left the room. How convenient. I rolled my eyes.

"Kieran has an iPhone right?"
What was he driving at? Of course Kieran had one but I wanted to see him not hear his voice!

"Yes, he does but I don't wanna hear his voice uncle, I wanna see him" I tried to play my sympathy card but he wasn't buying it. He was as stubborn as mum! Obviously he was. They were family.

"Face time him on the iPhone. I promise you we'd go to Clarksville on Friday" that promise lightened up my mood.

"Really, uncle?" I was getting too excited but I didnt care. I just wanted to be sure my little brother was alright.

"Robin, it's time for school" Stan came out of nowhere. I looked at him through narrow eyes but he shrugged and gave me a wink. I kissed my uncle's cheek and followed Stan to the car. All I had to do was apologize to Fred. Easy peasy I hope.

"Bye Stan"

"Enjoy your day, Robin" I waved and entered the school. Eli and Julian were outside. It looked like they were waiting for me. Might as well face the first one I suppose.

"RoAn" Julian enveloped me in a big hug. I liked it. He broke free with worry in his eyes. "How's the little champ?"

"Dad said he's alright. His fever broke last night" the relief in his eyes mirrored my own. I turned to face Eli. He just hugged me. I hugged him back, closing my eyes soaking our embrace.

"I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls, Eli" I had felt bad about that but Kieran was my top most worry.

"It's alright. I understood you didn't want to talk" I wanted to answer but I saw Macy with Frederick and I ran into his arms hugging him very tight. Macy had a small smile playing on her lips and I just shook my head. I broke free and saw the look on Eli's face. It was of disappointment and shock. His eyes hardened and he turned away. I felt my heart sink a bit.

"Frederick, I'm so sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have snapped at you. It wasn't right" I was glad to have that off my chest. Frederick just smiled.

"I understand. Come on, how's your little brother?"
My face lit up.

"He's alright. I'll face time him tonight. Uncle Ted promised we'd go to Clarksville on Friday. I can't wait!" My two friends smiled at my enthusiasm. I walked away from them and took out my phone to text Eli.

Me:Eli, you alright?
Eli: I'm OK. Later.

That hurt me but I let it slide and joined Macy and Frederick. I was daydreaming in homeroom when Frederick shook me.

"Did you hear that?" He sounded excited for some reason.

"Hear what? I was thinking of Friday"

"Tryouts for the academic decathlon team. I have to join though else my parents would kill me"

"How so? I mean, students can join whatever club they please right?"

" I was in this school already before my parents got transferred. I was a straight A student here."

"And you balance it with parties?" He had been a student here before. That explained why people knew him already.

"Well yes. As long as I kept my grades up, my parents allowed me to go out and stuff. I just can't drink at parties or smoke"

"Why would you love to smoke or drink?"

"Er, no. I hate the taste of alcohol and I have a lot to live for. Drinking and smoking would just make my life shorter." I nodded and followed  him out of homeroom. I saw Eli in the hall but he barely looked at me.  I had Greek mythology and history. Frederick gave me a kiss on my cheek when we got to that class before he bounded off to his class. I sat in the middle section and Eli entered the class. My heart froze. He looked into my eyes but his was warm now. I smiled and he gave me a half smile back. He sat behind me as Mr Smythe entered.

"I'm sure most of you have heard about some of the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology such as Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. I also know you know Hercules from that Disney cartoon." We nodded. I saw a note on my desk.
Meet me at my home after school?
I smiled and wondered when he had slipped it on my desk.
I'd love that
I poked him and he held out his hand.

"I want you to form groups of two because this class would mostly be about you making research and us correcting the tales.

" So, do you want to be my partner?" Something about how he said that took me to another time where I imagined him asking me to be his girlfriend.

"Sure, Eli. I'd like that" He gave me a huge smile and I felt the butterflies in my stomach having somersaults.

"Settle down. Now, your first report is to talk about creation, the primordial gods and their children. Just don't elaborate much on their children. We'd talk about that another time. I'll take them tomorrow" Mr Smythe left us to discuss the myths and gods we knew. Eli turned his desk to face mine.

"So, you and Frederick?"

"He's my Friend. A good one who stood by me when I was about to be humiliated" I regretted the words immediately.

"I'm sorry, Robin. Annaliese knows your parents are poor and staying away from you was the only way she wouldn't tell the whole school" He sounded sad and I placed my hand on his and squeezed it.  I love you.
I don't know where that thought came from but I knew I couldn't voice it out.

"Thank you, Eli but I have faced worse in my old school" I was getting bolder. "I missed you a lot"

"I missed you too Robin Andrea" the bell sounded and I got up and ran out of the room. Calculus was alright and I had Julian there. Something seemed to be off with him. I went to take his hand and walk with him to the lockers.

"Incredible, is everything alright ?"

"I'm flunking calculus and I need to get a C on the next test or I'll have to quit the soccer team"

"I can help. I'll tutor you on days you don't have practice. Sounds good?" His face lit up and he enveloped me in a crushing hug.
I bounded off to lunch and sat with Frederick and Macy.

"I heard you and Eli were getting cosy in Greek mythology" jeez news travels fast. Frederick wouldn't look at me as Macy questioned.

"We are in a group. It was better because we live close to each other"

"RoAn, can we hang out today at the mall?"

"I'm sorry Frederick. Mr Smythe gave us a project. I have to go over to Eli's"

"Alright" Our lunch became awkward so I just focused on my fries. I got up and threw the rest of my lunch away and headed to the library. The smell of books always calmed me down. I ignored Frederick in trig.
I ignored almost everyone.
Stanley picked me up and he was surprised that I looked relieved to get away from my friends. I just shrugged.

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