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       Robin's POV

This block schedule thing was grueling. Why couldn't we have the traditional way of studying here? I placed my lunch tray on an empty table I found. It seems no one wanted to be my pal because Annaliese didn't like me. For crying out loud, she didn't even try to know me!
Somehow, she had found herself into my biology class. I introduced myself to the students and the teacher assigned me a seat behind her. She stretched out her foot and made me fall, pretending it was an accident.

"Devil's spawn" I whispered so only could hear me and she blanched but shook her head defiantly. By second period, people were already tweeting about my fall with a mean hashtag #NewLoser.
I sighed, coming back to reality. I'd met Eli in the hall but he barely acknowledged me. It felt like we were truly strangers. My heart sank a little. I knew in the beginning I felt something.

"Hi, can I sit by you?" The voice belonged to a browned haired girl who looked petite and stunning.

"Yeah, sure" I stuck a piece of my fries into my mouth. It tasted a bit okay but I couldn't concentrate on its taste.

"So I heard Annaliese tripped you in a class today. I'm Macy Monroe by the way"

I giggled softly. "You're the first person who got it right. I'm Robin Andrea. You can call me RoAn." She nodded and bit into her burger.

"I remember when I came here for sophomore. She hated me and went her way to make me miserable."

"Why did she hate you?" I was curious.

"I had the newest Alexander McQueen collection because my dad and him are close buds. So it was obvious I was a threat to Annaliese. It's obvious why she hates you though"

"We just met. How can she hate me?"

"You know Julian Jackson and Elidamus Johnson. They missed out on two of her parties. She figured you were the cause of it."

"I see" I drank some brown pop and my lunch looked distasteful to me. This was River Hill High all over. Ugh!

"Look at this picture" She showed me a picture of the moment Julian had hugged me in the morning. It looked intimate, like we were dating.

"Possible love alert?" I read the caption aloud in fear. She looked at me with an encouraging smile.

"Don't worry RoAn. Soon, you'd be old news here"

"Would you believe I doubt that somehow?"

"Yup. I believe you. What class do you have next?" Macy was already getting up. I followed her lead taking my tray and dumping out its contents. I'd eat something later. I reasoned.

"Geometry with Mr Baker."

"I have that same class. Why don't we just grab our stuff together?" I shrugged and nodded. It felt like Macy truly liked me. Maybe I'd made a new friend. The 'cool' kids came passing by. I met Eli's dark eyes but he didnt blink or acknowledge me. Julian blew me a kiss that almost everyone saw. Minutes later, there were beeping in the cafeteria. I had a feeling it was because of that kiss.

Ninety minutes of Geometry didnt sound so bad. I needed a distraction anyway. I had tuned out of Macy's chattering till I heard her mention Eli.

"Wait, go back"

"I said, last semester it was Matt, a super hot football player but this year, Annaliese is setting eyes on our own Prince Charming." Would Eli be with her? I shook my head. It wasn't like I cared, was it?.
We entered before the warning bell went off. I figured Macy was as serious about her lessons as she was about fashion. Mr Baker was interesting but he gave a lot of homework. Who gives homework on the first day?
Ninety minutes whizzed by and the next thing I knew was I was following Macy to our lockers.
My next class was United States History. Macy told me Julian and Eli were in that class. I shrugged.  She headed off to Art class.

"RoAn, I saved you a seat". Julian was sitting at the back of the class. I don't remember the last time I sat there but I humored him and sat next to him. Eli still wouldn't meet my eyes. I don't know what changed but part of me didnt like it.

" I missed you " Julian's words made me blush without meaning to.

"I missed you more, Incredible." Ms Verde entered the class and demanded attention. She looked strict and I decided I wouldn't want to be in her bad books. It wouldn't end well. One thing's for sure, she taught with absolute passion. The discovery and settlement of the new world had never seem intriguing till today. I promised myself to work hard just to ace her class.

"Okay, class. I want you all to write something small about the discovery and settlement of the new world. I'd take it on Wednesday." The bell sounded and we scrambled for our next classes. I had Photography with Mr Lonnie. He was a pudgy man with balding hair.  He spoke about us needing digital cameras for the course and trying very hard to pass.
His eyes seem to light up as he spoke about traditional and digital photography. He seemed disappointed when the last bell rang.
We filed out of the class. I had my head down just like when I was in River High. What changed? Nothing!
It was twenty minutes after three. I took my backpack and went outside. The students were milling about. Some had already driven away, leaving a few to stay for clubs and meetings. I spotted the Audi and walked towards it. There was no sign of Eli or Julian. Stan opened the door for me. I could feel people looking at me. Stan drove in silence.

" How was your first day,  Darling?"

"It was alright uncle. I'm in love with the school already!" I gushed. It was true. I did love the school.

"I'm glad to hear that." I took my bag upstairs and brought out Dani. I took a gel pen, allowing my words to fill its pages once more.

School would have been totally awesome if Eli hadn't ignored me. Yes! He pretended as if I don't exist. It tore my heart into two. Why was he acting like that? It broke my heart into two but Julian made me feel like I was welcome. I got a new friend, Macy. She's cool.
I like my classes so far.
Oh yeah, I met Annaliese. She's stunning but shallow. Wonder what Eli even sees in her. I have some reading to catch up to. Chaw

I closed Dani and slept.

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