Big dreams

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    Elis POV

Double J was playing dirty. Sadly, he wasn't winning. We decided to play video games after my parents had left us. His stomach was rumbling and I laughed. Mine gave a little protest too.

"Maybe, we should have eaten more than a tuna sandwich, Eli."

"Maybe, Double J. Growing boys need lots of food" I heard the key turn in the lock and instantly remembered what my mum had said before she left. "Erm, Double J, did you take the list that was pinned on the fridge?"

"What list, Eli?" He wasn't even paying attention to me. I hit his head with my left hand. "What was that for!" He looked cute when he whined.

"That is for the verbal lashing and possible grounding we're both gonna get in a few minutes" His eyes opened wide in understanding. I shook my head. He could be clueless sometimes.

"Mum had a list of what we should get for school pinned on the fridge. She's gonna realise we didn't go out for them." Double J blanched. My mum was scary when she needed to be.

"Elidamus Darren Johnson! Julian Brew Jackson! Get down this instant before I lose what little patience I have left!" We left my bedroom as quickly as we could. Mum meant serious business when she used our full names. My heart was pounding very fast.

"Hi, mom. How was work today?" She was still dressed in her doctor's scrubs. I guess I forgot to mention mum was an orthopaedic surgeon.

"Work was fine. Now, who's going to tell me why I have that list where I left it and why there isn't anything showing that you two are going to school?"

"Aunt Laurie, we met Mr Ted and he told us his niece was coming to stay with him. We decided since she won't know any place, we'll take her along on a tour and get our school stuff at a go" Double J sounded so innocent. I had to prevent myself from laughing.

"Well, I guess you could do that. Julian, are you staying with us tonight?" Double J nodded and mum shooed us out of the kitchen

"You saved us, Double J" I gave him a playful punch which he dodged.

"Of course I did. I rock and you know it. I did say the truth though. I want to meet Mr Ted's niece."

"Why do I have this feeling its because you want fresh blood to play with?" I fell into my bed and he jumped onto me.  "Get off me you oaf!" He laughed while I continued to glare at him.

"Is that what to say to your guardian?" He took a controller and handed me another. I guess that meant we were continuing our Mortal Kombat-athon.

"Don't get any ideas. Jeez, you can't guard anyone with your life".

" Hey boys. Are you alright? " Dad poked his head into the room squinting to find us in the dark. It wasn't difficult. There was a huge lit up screen to point him in  the right way.

"Uncle Duncan! We're alright"

"We're fine,dad. We could have used a bit of a rescue though" he burst into laughter.

" I'd save you from any kind of trouble, sons, except when it involves your mother. She makes me feel like I'm eleven and I've been caught  stealing cookies again" he ruffled our hair and left us to continue our game.

"Eli, Julian, time for dinner." We didn't hurry out this time but our pace was quick still. Julian groaned. He was on a losing spree. We took our places and started eating. It was potatoes, meatballs and beans.

"Now, boys. Duncan and I went over to see Ted and he told us he's happy for you to give his niece a tour." I swallowed slowly. My mum and dad knew about my past broken relationship. Somehow, this felt like they were setting me up.

"He even gave us a picture of her. The little thing is so cute" Dad whipped out his phone to show us but I didn't want to see it. I shrugged my shoulders. She'll be here tomorrow. I'll see her then. I heard a little "whoa" from Double J but didnt really take it serious. Every girl is beautiful to Julian especially when he wants to lure them to bed.

"Duncan! She's no puppy!" Mum looked mortified but we laughed anyway. Double J looked at the picture for a moment more than necessary.
The rest of our meal had mum and dad talking about what happened in the hospital. Their stories were nice except the ones that involved death. I decided long ago that I would never be a doctor. It was a little bit gloomy.

Double J and I helped mum clear the table and bounded upstairs again. It was half - past nine when we decided to shower and go to bed.

I closed my eyes and saw a beautiful image of a girl. My secret dream girl.

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