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It was already the next morning. About 6 am and I was still in the same spot I was once they escorted me somewhere to stay. It's been hours I didn't know what to do with myself. I could spot Violet's dad walking to me from the down the hospital hall. He looked agitated, very worried and glum all at the same time. I felt terrible for him, he must've been so worried, terrified for his daughters life. Quite frankly I was too. He walked to me slowly while rubbing his hands together from the cold. "How's she doing?" He asked nervously.

"I dunno they haven't let me see her. I've been here for hours." I said shuffling the deck of casino cards I grabbed form my card to occupy myself with. He shook his head putting his hands on his hips and leaning against the wall with me. "I'm really sorry this is happening to her. She tells me how much you guys worry for her."

"It doesn't matter much now, I'm grateful you were there for her when she needed it the most." He sighed and I did too. Neither of us knew how long it would take until they gave us something back. Until we knew the stage she was in. We both sat in silence for a few minutes, me toying with the cards and him scrolling through his phone. My own phone rang as George tried getting ahold of me.

"Ye mate?" I answered chewing on my bottom lip and tucking the cards in my pocket.

"Where the fuck are you? Dude I thought you said you'd come have breakfast with the guys today?!" He snapped clearly agitated by the sound of his voice. I had totally forgot my plans with the guys! John was coming down to see us! Fuck!

"Whoa whoa calm down. I'm at the hospital with Violet." I replied defensivly trying to get him to understand I had other things in mind right now. A lot of things were racing through my head and I wish I could turn that switch off my head to think.

"Wait what happened are you guys okay?" His tone changed, now worried. There was a lot of shuffling in the background and the whispers of probably Hann and Ross. I shook my head.

"She had a seizure last night."

"Holy shit is she gonna be okay?" He asked terrified just as much as me. It made me want to cry at the fact that I didn't know where she was, what she was doing and how all this is going to turn out. It made my hands sweat and I got super hot.

"I-I don't know. It's been hours man." I stood up to at least go outside and have a smoke, distract myself by talking with George. "Look I'll still come to breakfast. Is John there yet?"

"Not yet but he's on his way." He informed.

"I'll be there in 20." I hung up flicking my fag on the ground and stepping on it before heading off to my car. I got in close the door and rested my forearms and forehead on the steering wheel. Taking a very long breath I felt my eyes begin to water.

Why the fuck did this have to happen?

Sitting up I wiped the minor tears away and tried to at least act like a man. "It's gonna be okay." I told myself even though I didn't really know what the answer would be. None of us did.


My stomach was bloated for awhile. I felt the need to throw up but then again I ate. Because I said I would...with the guys. We all circled around a tiny restaurant that is technically considered "down town" for a place like this. I leaned back in my seat and sighed, feeling like I had a moment to breath. To just relax around the guys don't worry about the problems at home. Adam managed to pull me back into the conversation with a little chuckle from beside me.

"You alright mate?" He muttered under he breath swatting my knuckles on the table gently to get my attention. I just nodded. Not really knowing how I feel about everything going on. I even smiled just a tiny bit to convince him...or more myself; that things will be okay.

"What about you John? Hoes life been going?" I asked aloud to the group directing my motions to John who just finished off a coke.

"Good mate." He spoke with a smile.

"Just good?" George mumbled. "What about it is good?"

"I've got a new student yesterday. Real fun to teach him, good kid." John spoke as if it was a passionate dream for him to teach music. Ever since we four met him it's been all about music with him. But us guys kinda just dipped out on a musical carrier and took our own paths. It was always good to hear about John blooming as a saxophone teacher. It was always good to just catch up for once.

Catch up....

Something Violet has never been able to do. To just catch up with people she knew before everything happened.

George's leans over the table to me a wide grin. "You look like you could use some grass." He commented quietly under his breath. I snigger back it him.

"You saying what I think you are?" I grinned. We both nodded. "Alright get your shit together guys were leaving." I cheered slipping my jacket back on. George made the motion of a spliff between his fingers to the rest of the group and they get the hint before we all headed out to pile in my tiny car.


I was told it took me awhile to calm down. That I had a seizure; a grand mal seizure or Tonic-Clonic Seizure. It's was triggered from my previous head injures a few years back. My brain wasn't able to keep up with me causing this spark in my entire brain. During a grand mal I dropped to the ground because my muscles in my lungs contracted and a loud cry left my lungs. I bit down on my tongue harshly so speaking is hard for me at the moment. I twitched vigorously for about five minutes and when this happens saliva cannot be swallowed because my throat contracted, so I foamed at the mouth. I can't remember a thing but that's what Matty had told them.

The reason I haven't seen him since is because I'm considered to be in my post-itical stage which requires a lot of rest. Doctors orders. I was scared, really scared. What next? A coma...again? When I woke up a few hours ago I was confused, hungry, and I could barely respond to anyone because I was just so out of it. All I've done since I woke up a few hours ago was lay there and stare the glinting door handle waiting for Matty to walk in. Yet to my avail he never showed up. No word from him all night, only my mum and sister came to see me. It doesn't shock me that Zach wouldn't want to come see me. Ever since I woke up my brother has been so distant. Maybe even depressed.

Before I decided to finish my terrible hospital food dinner I texted Ross to ask him to visit me tomorrow if Matty doesn't. I wanted to know more about their trip coming up in a few weeks. I trip I could never go one now after this.

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