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My body was in pain all the time now. It felt like hot rocks were on my chest all the time and they never cooled. It was like ice packs were on my feet all the time and I couldn't bend over to touch my own toes. Twice every other morning I had to start chemo. It's been about two weeks since we got the news and I wasn't feeling to hot about the recovery. Charlie came by almost every day after work to come talk with me, mainly because Matty and my parents basically fell off the face of the earth. My dad was on a business trip my mom worked overtime constantly to pay off the medical bills that seemed to climb higher. Plus no matter how many times I rang Matty to at least talk his phone is off and his boys wont pick up. Not even Ross who I expected to at least keep me updated. I even tried to find away to contact Sophie and see if she at least knew where Matty went. Why was he a ghost all of a sudden?

After having my last session of chemo for the week I was laying in bed just loathing the thought of what my body was doing to itself. Snacking on a cup ice cream I watched stupid reality TV when one of my nurses came in. A boquet of pink roses and a small stuffed bear. Possibly from Sam or Charlie. "These were brought to the front desk for you." She said placing them on the bedside table smiling warmly before asking me if I needed anything else. She wafted away after I said no and reached for the little card resting softly on a petal and thorny stem.

I'm leaving for good, if I can't have you I can't have anyone -Matty

That sent me into overdrive. It made my brain think dark thoughts, it made the heart monitor pick up the racking trace to my pulse. I scrambled for my phone tumbling through my contacts desperatly trying to dial George. He was the first person I knew would be with him. It rang for awhile but finally for the first time in two weeks he answered casually giving me a hello.

"George where's Matty?" I breathed quickly, looking over at my IV thinking maybe if I ripped it out I could run so fast to his house and stop him from doing something stupid. Even if I was in a night gown and looked half dead I would do it to stop Matty from hurting himself.

"Uh no why?" He questioned alarmed from my lack of breath and racing words.

"He sent roses to me with a note saying he's leaving for good." I informed broadly.


"He's gonna fucking kill himself George! Go find him!" I yelled throwing my hand in the air as if it was emphasis but really he couldn't see me. "I'm scared shitless right now please go find him. Make sure he's okay."

"What? Jesus Christ!" He yelled back hanging up without a goodbye and leaving me thinking the worst. It was now a search and find mission for the curly haired boy probably downing a bottle of whiskey with pills, or loading a gun with one silver bullet, maybe tying a noose or sitting on the edge of a highway bridge. Whatever it was I'm terrified for him. It pains me that there isn't anything I can do except sit back and whine about it.


Matty's flat was empty when I arrived. It was just Allen all alone whimpering at the door. I couldn't believe this, where could he have gone? Why was he so suicidal all of a sudden? There must be something he isn't telling me. I grabbed Allen before leaving hoping maybe he would be smart enough to sniff him out. Was that only in movies? I drove to the nearest places I could think of where he could be. Work? No. The bar? No. His mums? No.

He was nowhere to be found but I wasn't giving up on him, nor Violet who seemed so worried after their argument. I drove around town sucking on a spliff hoping my best friend wasn't dying in a ditch. While driving on the inner state Allen twirled around in the front seat barking and scratching at the windows. I stopped abruptly startling the people behind me but I didn't care after I saw what I saw.

It was my dark curly haired mate waking back and forth among the bridge rubbing his hands together in the cold. I tried to pull over into the emergency lane right as I saw him climb on the edge. Booking it out of my car and Allen followed quickly I ran right into traffic running as fast as I could as I watched him swing his feet over the edge. "Matty don't! Don't fucking do it!" I screamed alarming him. He cranes his neck around and his face went white when he saw me coming full speed at him. He took his chance turned back and throwing his body off the bridge...

"MATTY. FUCK!" I screamed looking over the edge of the railing seeing ripples in the water where he landed. He came back up gasping and spitting up water. "Jesus fucking Christ." I said to myself throwing my jacket and shoes over taking my own risk and leaping off the bridge too, knowing damn well I might get hurt but I didn't care. I hit the water just as hard but managed to keep myself afloat easier than he did. "God your a fucking idiot!" I yelled at him swimming over as fast as possible grabbing him by the biceps and pulling him over my shoulder.

Matty stopped fighting against me soaking my face with water and I couldn't tell if he was done crying or not. He was limp making his body weight sink me down even more. I swam the best I could to the rocks near the bridge setting him on top of them and climbing up myself. He was laid back now black and blue. Instantly I began CPR on him just begging the universe to not take him so quickly. It didn't faze me when my lips were on his blowing air into his lungs. I was trying to save his life that's all I wanted to do. For him, for myself, for his family, but mostly for Violet because I know just how important Matty is to her. "CMON mate. COME ON." I growled pushing down on his chest the best I could trying to pump the water out of his lungs. Allen was barking trying to come down the side of the bridge assisting me by getting others attention. With another hard heavy push to his chest he flinched throwing up water on himself coughing up a storm. I sighed in relief resting my forehead on his chest sighing. "I thought I was going to lose you." I said even though he was still dazed and trying to clear his throat. "Don't ever pull shit like that's again."

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