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My mum was calling about 10 minutes after we finished. I laid on my stomach basically panting like a dog, Matty was on his back an arm behind his head and a smug grin. Nothing held back the smile on my face, I grabbed at the sheets and closed my eyes thinking how this time I truly have given myself up for Matty. Our damp skin was just barely touching while we laid there under the sheets. I answered my phone, my mum was wondering where I was. That's when I realized it was already three and I was supposed to be at her house hours ago. "Shit mum I'm sorry I uh over slept I'll be there in a few." I said sitting up then hanging up looking at Matty. "She needs me there for the family." Sighing I searched for cleaner clothes, preferably something more classy for the sake of my extended family. I haven't seen them in 3 years, I can't remember their names for shit so I better make a good impression. Matty went to the bathroom claiming he too was going to get himself properly dressed. When I was done he came out looking extremely sharp. "Why are you all dressed up fancy? You like to impress your family too?" I chuckled.

"No I want to impress your family. But first brush your hair it's a fucken mess love." He winked picking up his ash tray and fags.

"Wait what?"

"I'm coming with you obviously." He began to fasten a tie around his neck admiring himself in the mirror on the wall.

"Matty doesn't your family want to see you today?" I asked slipping on my shoes, grabbing a brush to use in the car and checking myself in the mirror beside him one more time. I felt so sore but didn't seem like it. Did Matty really want to meet my mum? He's met my dad by accident really, and I've met his little brother but my mum? Out of all of the people!

"She agreed that New Years would be the time to catch up. She doesn't live too close anymore plus my dad isn't really my number one fan when it comes to the holidays." I nodded watching him stare at himself like something was on his mind. I coughed into my palm feeling my stomach tighten. There was a little blood splashed onto my skin. It keeps happening and I don't know why. "Jesus Christ babe are you okay?" He asked taking a long look into my bloody palm.

"I'm fine." I said assuringly trying to just brush off the issue. Although I was pretty concerned because this wasn't the first time it has happened. Matty even knew that. I could cough up blood like it was mucus, it scared me but I figure it just from my previous health issues.

"Violet I think you should see a doctor for that." He commented wiping the blood off with a bandana he had in his pocket. I shrug starting to feel my heart race. Shaking my head I turn away and go to get Jaz and her jacket. She jumps in joy all over Matty getting to know that he wasn't a threat. Fastening her jacket on I clipped a leash on and made sure Ordon wasn't going to go ballistic without us. We dropped the conversation and headed out to the car. It was a quite ride, there wasn't much for me to say. All I could think about was my health, my mums reaction when she sees Matty with me and how well we could hide the fact that we totally just fucked like animals 30 minutes ago.

Pulling up to the house there were already cars lined up outside, my relatives. I already wanted to leave. For the rest of the night I would cling to Matty's side while they ask how I'm doing who he is and what I've been up to. Non of these faces we were about to see were familiar to either of us. It was like I was just as much of a stranger as Matty was. Before getting out of the car he put his hand over mine skimming his thumb along my skin. "You'll be alright."

"It's not me I'm worried about it's you."


I had to get somewhere away from people just for a moment. Hearing "I'm sorry that happened" or "We missed you so much" every five minutes made my head spin. Yet I kept smiling trying to show off that I was okay with all this. Dinner time came around, my mum has a line table that can seat 16 people and it just so happened that my cousin Nicole sat right next to Matty. She seemed to be eyeing him ever since we showed up. My mum came back in the room the chatter died down and she smiled at all of us.

She sighed taking her seat. "You know the drill." She said to my dad opening up her palms to him and my aunt next to her. Everyone jointed hands, I took my uncles and looked back at Matty waiting for him to take it. Prayer was something we always did at Christmas time. He only folded his arms.

"Matty." I whispered harshly smacking his arm. "C'mon now."

"I don't believe in Christ Violet." He whispered back, Nicole heard him and sprung to her feet in anger.

"Violet?! How dare you bring the antichrist into this home?!" She yelled drawing every drop of attention to us. Matty didn't say anything he didn't defend himself.

"Nicole! Stop being so rude!" I yelled back standing up and feeling dizzy. Matty pulled me back down in my seat to get me to shut up.

"It's Christmas Violet! Today is about God. Why the fuck would you let him come? You were raised in a Christian home." Her fist slammed on the table causing my water in the glass to splash out of the brim.

"I don't know my childhood you bitch. I didn't even know about his religion. Step off and enjoy your fucking holiday like the rest of us. You're just like Sadie, a little snob!" I stood up again grabbing Matty's wrist basically yanking him out of his seat. My mum tried to stop me when I headed for the front door. "Merry fucking Christmas." I said aggressively grabbing the dogs leash and bringing her along. I slammed the door harshly and started heading backwards to the car.

"Baby calm down you're getting too worked up." Matty said snatching my hand into his pulling me to his chest. My heart was racing, I don't know why I got so mad. But really? She had to call him the antichrist? I'd rather have her call him the Zodiac Killer than that.

"No Matty that's not fair! Just because you don't believe in something she does she goes and calls you one of the worst things possible. She's a fucking twat!" I yelled stomping my foot on the ground. "I don't appreciate my family treating you like that. This is why this was a bad idea." Getting out of his grip I pulled at my hair feeling distressed. My breath was shaky, my palms were sweaty, it felt like the weight of the world was back on my shoulders. Jaz started barking at me, jumping up and down all over the place. Matty followed me to the car but Jaz growled and that's when I knew something was wrong. I stopped walking, turned around and faced Matty. Both of us had the same look. We knew what was coming next when I let go of the leash and my knees locked beneath me.

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