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I didn't think I would ever come to the point of where I was basically living my life in a hospital. 3 good solid years wasted laying in sheets with tubes down my throat. Now another week of laying in those same sheets with nothing to do. Under strict rules was I asked to stay in bed for a few more days just to insure nothing like this would happen again. Just this morning I got 3 new CAT scans an MRI and physical therapy. That was probably the most movement I had in hours. Matty didn't really come by after the other day, he was working and taking care of Ordon for me. Ross had came by like I asked, he brought John along so I could meet him. He's a nice guy, very comforting.

I was told just one more day here and I was good to go home. To be back to my normal life. Well...somewhat normal. It's never really normal now is it? While I was finishing the last of my rancid tasting dinner my normal doctor softly knocked on the door and came in, clipboard in hand. I gently smiled at him even though the look on his face was a little alarming. His expression wasn't soft more informing.

"Violet how are you?" He asked, setting his clipboard on the counter next to my bed and folding his arms.

"Better." I said quickly.

"Well I spoke your father this morning. We both agreed that tomorrow morning you'll be released but-"

"Oh god." I rolled my eyes. The "but" part gets me every time. Usually means there's a catch.

"It's not bad trust me. So he let me know you had a dog at home yes? Well after these current events in your brain activity it's no guarentee these seizures will just subside. So after speaking with him for awhile we decided it's time to get you a service dog who can spot your triggers and when or if you'll have a seizure again." He paused hoping I would smile or something along the line of showing emotion. "It's for the best of your health." He added.

"I already have a dog at home, sometimes two." I stated, wondering how Ordon and Allen would cope with another dog.

"The thing is it has to be a certified service dog, it would cost too much and take too much time to train your dog to sense a seizure and know how to respond. Once you get released tomorrow we have an appointment for you to meet with some dogs at a daycare whom you can bond with and decide which is best for you."


This wasn't really news I would like to hear.


That time came quick. I forced myself to sleep once my doctor left so I could pass time quicker. I wanted to go home, be in my own bed with Matty and relax. I woke up feeling somewhat okay about the day and instantly tried to get back into my own clothes. Everything was quiet in the morning. I questioned why Matty hasn't shown up to pick me up at the time he said he would. Instead my dad came through the door with my sister. "Hey." I say to the both, swinging my feet over the edge of the bed and slipping on my shoes. It felt okay to be in my own clothes and freely move without wires in my arms.

"You ready to go? I already signed you out." He asked, flipping through his phone while my sister watched my every move. Her worry was large.

"I thought Matty was taking me?" I asked nervously. My dad looked down at the ground tapping his foot oddly. "Dad?" I spoke starting to feel uneasy. "Where's Matty?"

"Honey...he left last night." His voice was small. He left? As in where? "He got on the plane last night with his lads and flew to America for his winter trip." Every single nerve in my body twitched, my heart sank and it felt like knots tied at the base of my tongue. I knew he was going on that trip, I knew he had the plans I just didn't think he would leave so soon and not invite me. It urks me even more being that Sophia girl is for sure with them. That thought made my stomach ache.

Trying my best to not make it obvious how hurt I was I attempted to shrug as if I didn't care and I knew he would be back soon. Without another word we all left the hospital silently hoping things we going to be okay. We didn't have to say anything to know we all had the same mind set, well my dad and I at least. My sister still doesn't really understand what's happening to me. She's a little too young to understand he concept of my health and honestly what can I expect? I barely even know how to deal with this either.

When we pulled up to this doggy day care crap I had a weird feeling I wasn't going to be satisfied with whatever lies ahead in there. My sister was beyond livid thinking she was getting a puppy for herself only to be shot down and told it's for me. "She already has a puppy it's not fair!" She wailed, throwing her arms to her side.

"Sweetheart this is for Violet her doctor is the one telling her to do this. This puppy is special and needs to be by her side as much as possible." My dad tried explaining, lowering himself to her level and putting a firm hand on her shoulder. She looked him dead in the eyes.

"I'm sick too!" She yelped. I rolled my eyes without her noticing. "I have a fever I need a puppy!" Little did she know how 'sick' she really was compared to me. It was pathetic.

"It doesn't work like that-"

"I NEED ONE!" She screamed drawing attention to the people in the parking lot. I could tell my dad was getting frustrated and impatient. His fist balled by his sides and his ears starting turning red.

"Drop it."


"ELLIS DROP IT." I even flinched at his sudden outburst. It's not like my dad to yell and it's became a habit. I guess that's why my mum can never stand him anymore. He turned around and headed back for the front doors muttering curse words to himself while I just took Ellis's hand and walked with her. 

"Violet are you going to die?" She asked softly while looking up at me with twinkling brown eyes. That was a scary question to hear from her because I, myself can't even answer that. It really got my shaken up thinking about how one day I will. That one day may be close and it really shook my nerves.

That's not a question you should have to answer, especially for a child.

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