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"Ordon no! Dammit." I yelled as I watched the black ball of fur bolt from one side of the living room to the other back and forth knocking over boxes. Over the past few days with him I realized how hyper he can be for only a puppy. One minute he's curled in a ball sleeping, the next he's on a sugar high. I sighed and let him out on the porch where he could roam in a small space. Hopefully that would wear him out.

Picking up more boxes for the bathroom I set it ll on the counter and started going through it. Putting all my new make up from my aunt in the cupboard, my hair stuff in drawers and hanging up towels. After waking up a lot of my family visited me and gave me tons of new stuff to get back on my feet. My aunts giving me bed sheets, curtains, make up and all that. My uncles giving me paintings, kitchen supply (as if I was going to cook for myself anyways). My mom and dad both gave me checks larger than I intended for furniture and food. The basics. Then my only granddad handed over his old tool box just in case I ever needed a handy job done around the house. I'm really grateful for my family and their generosity.

After depositing everything where I wanted it to be I decided to text Matty and see where he was since I could use another car for the next load of boxes. Someone had to help me carry my mattress up a flight of stairs. By the time I finished unloading the kitchen I still hadn't heard from him so I decided to start putting my clothes away next. Hanging up my dresses I started to feel like Matty bailed. Figuring he did I changed into sweats and a tank top, let Ordon inside and we both curled up to watch some shows on my phone. I still needed to get a TV...

I set a pillow on the ground and pulled a duvet over me and eventually drifted off to sleep on the fourth episode of Sons Of Anarchy. 


When I got off work my phone was beyond dead and I had a terrible kink in my neck. But I'm no quitter so I clambered in the car to go to Violet's. Thankfully I remembered her address and it just happened to be over by Ross' place. Within a thirty minute drive I was arriving at her flat with some dinner since it was pretty late. I felt like she'd like some sushi since she's been on her own all day. Knocking softly I waited...and waited but found no reply. Trying again I sighed when it was still silent. To my surprise the door was unlocked, obviously I let myself in. It was really cold inside, boxes were scattered and emptied around the kitchen and leading into the living room. I set the take out on the counter and looked around the place. It was pretty nice.

Walking into the living room I stopped in my tracks when I found her. Lying on the floor curled in a single thin blanket with Ordon by her. She laid on her stomach, clutching the pillow under her head. What I found cute was that Ordon was planted right next to her, both their mouths slightly open. Half of the brown blanket was hanging off her waist and her tank top ridden up her waist. To my surprise there was a tattoo on her shoulder blade. A moon made out of flowers and vines curling up her shoulder blade. It was extremely faded, if there was color it was barely noticeable.

I knelt next to her. "La Luna." I then mumbled, gently touching her shoulder. Instantly she flinched and sat up with a shock. Instantly I felt regret because she looked terrified. Her face relaxed when she saw it was just me. Ordon jumped and lapped at me. "The door was unlocked." 

She grinned a little with embarrassment. Brushing strands of hair from her face and fixing her shirt. "I was looking at your tattoo. It's beautiful." I mention, helping her stand up.

"I have a tattoo? What?" She looked shocked, scanning her body. I felt so bad for her, she didn't even remember the art on her.

"On your back, the moon." She went and walked over to the small bathroom and turned around, craning her neck in the mirror to look at the ink.

"I-I don't remember getting this." She mumbled as I stood behind her watching her stroke the ink with the tip of her fingers. She sighed.

"Speaking of which. Don't you have a story to tell me? Over some sushi I suppose?" She turned back around to face me, a frown at first but then a gentle nod. Everything this girl did she was tedious about. Her movements were soft, gentle. Even her voice was always low and shy. Her innocence was pure, she was adorable to me....and I just met her a week ago. "C'mon." I took her hand and she tiredly followed me back to her sleeping spot and I sat down with her. Handing over the fresh sushi and chopsticks for her.

"So where do you want me to start?" She asked, opening her container and breaking her chop sticks apart.

"Where ever is convenient for me to understand who you are now."

"It started when I was 19. It was my senior year in high school...."

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