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"I took two weeks off. So if you need anything I'm right there for you." He wrapped his fingers around mine gently pulling me along side him as he yapped on about the doctors rules. It felt nice to get out of that bed to walk around freely until I had to come back next week for more chemo. Matty did everything he could to look out for me as soon as we left the hospital. I missed being home. We walked quietly across the hospital waiting room, sighing to myself finally being able to breath fresh air. Sadie was really mutal when she came to see me, wishing me the best and reached out to me if I needed anything. It was a change, a good one.

We got in the car quietly just listening to the hum of the speakers playing pop. I rested against the head board tapping my fingers along my thigh while Matty focused on the road. It was a comfortable silence. There was a lot to talk about the last 2 weeks of not seeing each other but it was best we discussed it later. He slid him hand onto mine half way through me peaking out from under my beanie to gleam a gentle smile at me. That's when I realized how lucky I am to have someone like him put up with all my issues. My life has changed so drastically after the accident and he's stayed right next to me (or at least tried) the whole time. Even if we fought even if I bitched and moaned he still found himself wanting to come back. No one has ever really done that to me, for the most I can remember at least.

When we got back to my flat I dragged my oxygen tank behind me slowly taking my time to the lift. Matty whistled a tune to himself without notice and unlocked the door for me. I went in immediately noticing the smell of my flat hasn't changed one bit. Jaz and Ordon whimpered and wailed at my arrival. Jaz jumped up all over me making me lose balance and nearly crash to the ground but Matty caught me in time. "It's not the end of the world girl." I told the mutt questions Matty to put them in their cages for me while I got settled. He kindly took them both to their pens giving them a bone and filling up their water while I went to take a seat on the couch. It was getting dark out, the temperatures dropping slowly. Pushing my feet up on the couch I laid my head down on the arm rest and Matty came in. He set himself closely to me putting an arm around my shoulders. Sitting there in more comfortable silence he listened to me breath in heavily and exhale slowly. The tube tucked behind my ears tickled. Everything was so calm and still I could hear the oxygen flowing swiftly into my nose. It was like my chest was finally cooling down after being on fire for the last week. I coughed into my elbow. "I don't want to die Matty. Not now." I mumbled closing my eyes trying to feel well rested.

"You're not going to." He assured pulling me into his chest so I rested my head there instead.

"Matty with the way my body is and my terrible luck I probably won't live to 23." I sat up folding my arms over my chest feeling heavy again.

"Stop. Stop talking like that I don't like it." He growled sitting up with me and taking my hands in his. The veins in mine popping out like a 3-D movie. That's when I couldn't even look at him. My eyes needed to be fixed on my lap because it would hurt to much to see him like this. Matty was losing hope, I knew he was and he just didn't want to say it. After all the shut we've been through together I think he's finally realizing I won't even be able to spend a year in his life without dying. There was absolutely nothing I could do to stop this, my doctors said if we didn't move fast then there wasn't much they could do. And after 4 rounds of chemo it's like the cancer is at a stand still. They're even worried the radiation therapy I'll be starting soon will cause major issues with my brain damage and god knows what could happen. It made my skin crawl knowing that there's only a 15% chance I live by June. And it's already early April.

"Matty you've got to start letting go of me before something happens. This isn't going to work for us, I don't want to die on you while you're madly in love with me." I said sadly.

"Then marry me." He said calmly under his breath, pressing his forehead to mine.

"What?" I asked not really understanding if he was serious or not.

"Marry me Violet. Be with me for as long as possible even if you do pass, I'll still have your spirit to call mine. You're the only woman I want, the only one I need and even if you do leave me for the after life I'm never gonna have eyes for anyone else."

"Are you serious right now?"

"Yes, dead serious. We don't have to put together anything just legal papers really." He smiled kissing my temple. "I love you."

"I-I love you too Matty." I muttered trying to gather all this information all at once.

"So is that a yes?"


Short chapter sorry xoxo

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