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"Believe it or not, just a few weeks ago I recovered and came out of a medically induced coma of three years...and I came up with severe amnesia. It's only been a while and I can't produce the memory to remember personal things." I toyed with my forefinger nervously. Would he think I'm pathetic or something?

"That's the word you used, Recovering. It's not a bother love, it's part of life. Tell me the story one day. I'm quite interested in your odd but pleasing factors of your life.." He took my hand in his and pulled me closer to him. Now almost lurking over me a good five inches more. "Don't be ashamed for something you can't control. Just call your dad and I'm sure he can come help you refresh and get this done."

He backed away and I let a long breath out I didn't realize I was holding in. My stomach felt queezy.. I was physically transed by him. "Okay...I'll call him. Thank you." Pulling my phone out of my jeans I dialed my dad and ordered him to come find me. Matty filled out what he could for me because I was still trying to gain the ability to write. My hands don't seem to work as well as they used to.

"I'm gonna use the restroom. I'll be back in a second." Matty disappeared behind me and I looked down at my shoes. It felt so odd having to explain that so much. I hoped Matty wont think differently of me now. Like I'm dumb or something. I'm trying.

Minutes later my dad arrived with a wide smile and began speaking to me about what was going down. I told him the name, and what kind of dog it was, the gyst of things really. In the back of my brain I wondered where Matty was. It was taking him awhile.

My dad finished the paper work. "That's all." He spoke to the lady at the front counter, handing over the papers. "That was a good pick Viv." My dad approved.

A hand glided on the small of my back and snaked around my waist. The familiar scent of expensive cologne raided my sinuses. "Thanks, she had some help choosing." Matty spoke, leaning against me. I felt the cold of one of his rings pressed through my thin shirt. He grinned at my dad reassuringly with eye contact. Matty looked in no style to present himself to my dad like this. Matty looked bad compared to me. In a good way.

"Yeah it's hard to remember the things I like. Matty helped out." Matty had came back with Allen on his leash. Allen sniffed my dads hand then proceeded to lick his palm like what he did to me. My dad looked approved and smiled at Allen then me. I faced Matty. "My dad got everything filled out. They're getting copies for me and I'm off home."

"Awesome. I'm glad I could help. I'll be on my way now. Nice meeting you Vi." He started to walk off but I stop him with my palm to his shoulder.

"Say your name again for me? So I remember."

"Matty. Matty Healy."


"Dad?" I opened the front door to the studio flat that appears to be vacant. Ordon tugs me into the house, sniffing every inch for curiosity. Stumbeling in I looked around for any sign of my dad. The only thing I saw was a note and some money of the coffee table. It must've been so I could go get Ordon his things like food a water bowl. A better leash since the one I had now is basically like a shoelace and a hook. I didn't want to quote go yet since I wouldn't have the balls to drive to the pet store. So I decided on going to the dog park a few blocks over by my mums. Scooping up the money and trashing the note I gathered my things and left with Ordon bolting out the door. He was skidish.

The walk was brisk and warm, thankfully Ordon didn't pull me down the park hill like most of the dogs there. I sat down at a bench with him and he wouldn't calm down. For a puppy he liked licking things, jumping up and down on me and constantly chasing his nub of a tail like a string. I looked through my phone search bar to figure out what exactly I needed for a dog like him. Not only have I forgot the aspects of caring for a dog but I've never had one before so the whole topic is new to me. I just know feed them, bathe them, and walk them. Plus lots of love and affection.

After deep focus on an article I found about pugs someone greeted himself to Odron. I looked up to see Matty starting to pet and play with him. Matty's friend followed up closely behind his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face with Allen on his leash. "Fancy seeing you here." He spoke, sitting next to me.

"Hey..." It already fell awkward between us. Mostly because of me and how I was unsure what Matty already thought of me.

"So Violet hows the first few days with the pup?" He pulled out a pack of smokes and attracted one to his lips, sparking it alive. "This is Ross by the way." His friend smiled at me again and took a seat on the grass and Allen settled next to him. I waved shyly at him.

"He's been a pain but he's doing okay. My mom is eager for me to move out already because she's allergic. Yet I move in two days." I cross my legs and set my phone on my knee.

"Sounds lovely to me. Are you living alone now?" He puffed smoke out while he spoke and leaned against the bench railing. I nodded. It was honestly nerve racking to go live out on my own after everything that happened. "So how about that story yeah? I'll come help you out some more tomorrow and pack with you so we can get to know each other?"

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I questioned, scratching the nape of my neck nervously. He paused and thought for a moment. I truly wanted to know why he was being like this. There was a difference between generosity and flirting. Quite frankly I can't tell which is which anymore.

He sighs softly. "Because you're cool....and you seem pretty smart for someone with amnesia. Real friendly ya know?" I nodded and chewed my lip trying not to smile. Now I didn't really know what to say. We all just sat there in silence for a solid minute until Matty spoke up again. "Well, Ross and I have lots to do today. I gotta get headed to work. I'll see you tomorrow Viv."

My heart skipped a few beats at the sound of his voice saying my nickname my dad usually gives me. It sounded so innocent yet rough on his tongue. I liked it more than I should. I never remembered that name sounding so sweet. "Wait Matty." I called out, picking up my phone and tugging Ordon along with me. I met up to him and his friend, they both turned around to see me. "I need your number?"

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