Kang Gary

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Song Ji Hyo enters the music room after the meeting.

She is quite upset about it. From her first year in the school, she had tried to avoid any activities that would expose her more to the public.

She kept everything to herself and did everything by herself for she knows everyone who treats her as a friend has this ulterior motive inside.

She is not used to interacting, and the fact that she just got a responsibility together with some other guys is bothering her.

She stares at the Music Room.

A grand Piano is located over a platform in front of the room. Various guitars stood at the side of the walls, and some other instruments in their cases lay at one corner. At the back of the room stood a drumset.

She never had any interest of all of these. She is just there because of her aunt.

And she just agreed to do it so that she can have an excuse for going home late.

She hates being in the house. Not that she hates her family, she loves her mom and dad so much. But her aunt is getting on her nerves.

They are not really rich. They just have enough money to feed theirselves and get their neccessities.

But her aunt, who married a rich guy and instantly became a millionaire just because of her husband has been constantly feeding greedy thoughts on her mother's mind.

It was her aunt who adviced her mom to let her get into this school although she hated it.

And it was also her aunt who adviced her mom to enroll her in piano lessons.

She hates that her aunt is treating her and her family like a puppet, but her mom does not see it like that.

She always says to Ji Hyo that it is just for her own good.

She sighs and sits on the seat in front of the grand piano.

She lays her fingers on the keys and starts playing.

Loud Piano music immediately fills the room, and for a while, she gets drowned on pouring her frustrations on every press of its key.

Then the door slams open, making her stop instantly and turn to see who it is.

"You got a lot of anger inside you, huh. " It was the messenger guy, Kang Gary. He is wearing a friendly smile on his face as he paces towards her.

"I-i don't know what you're talking about. ", she denies.

His smile gets even wider, and he arrives next to the piano. He rests an arm over the piano as he faces her.

"What can the pretty Ji Hyo be mad about? ", he asks, his eyes staring at her as if he is trying to figure out the answer to his question.

She looks down to the piano keys, offended at his comments. "Why? Am i not allowed to be mad? ", she asks.

It takes a moment before Gary can answer. It seems like he did not expect that answer.

"Of course you are. It's a given on all human, after all. "

"Is it? ", she asks.

"Of course! ", he says.

What is weird is that she does not feel upset of his respond at all.

"You want to lnow what i'm upset about? ", he asks.

She stares at him, trying to decide whether she should guve this guy a chance to prove that he is worthy of her friendship or not.

But it looks like he does not need her answer at all. He immediately sits next to her, surprising her and making her hastily move away from him as far as the seat will allow, which is still too close for comfort, though.

"Well, what are you mad about? ", she finally asks.

He smiles, but this time, it is not that jolly smile, but a sad one.

"Everything. "

It is then that he finally gets her full attention.

She had been hating almost everything around her, focusing on her own irritations that she has forgotten to think that she is not the only one feeling that way.

This guy, sitting next to her, has just reminded her of that.

"The way people judge you by your status and not by the things you are capable of. They're blinded by all these different, stupid labels that they believe is important.", he adds, making Ji Hyo stare at him ever more, wondering how he had said the words in her head.

Gary smiles again as if the sadness in his eyes was never there. "Judging by the way you're looking at me right now, i guess you're feeling the same,  huh? "

She looks away, realizing that she really is staring for too long. "I don't know what you're talking about. ", she denies, deciding that it is too early to trust a guy she had just met.

But Gary is not offended, though. He just smiles and starts playing a piece.

A peaceful, soothing piece that seems to lighten her feelings.

As heplays there right next to her, she stares. And the longer she stares, the clearer Kang Gary's face is becoming.

She thinks he is not one of those people who lives everyday with a mask in their faces, acting like they're genuine with those fake acts, tellings lies with those lying lips.

No. She thinks Kang Gary is different. He knows what is wrong with the world. He sees things the way she sees it.

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