Because i like you, Song Ji Hyo.

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Ji Hyo is bringing her washed clothes along the deck, searching for a place to hang it, when she sees Jong Kook and Eun Hye talking in the foredeck.

She immediately stops and stays hidden, for she senses the tension in the air around them.

"Why did you do it? ", she hears Jong Kook asks Eun Hye in an angry tone.

"Oppa. ", Eun Hye says softly, probably surprised at the sudden arrival of Jong Kook.

What is he so angry about?, she wonders.

"Why? ", he repeats firmly.

"I didn't mean it. ", Eun Hye says innocently.

"We both know you did, Eun Hye. ", he insists.

This time, Eun Hye slings his hold off her arm.

"And we both know why i did it, Oppa.", she says, this time in an angry tone that surprises Ji Hyo.

"Why are you doing this? Ji Hyo is not doing anything to you. "

Her eyes widen at the sound of her name. Why is she being involved in their conversation?

"But she's doing something to the guys! To you! And i hate it! ", Eun Hye yells.

It may not be too loud, but it seems to be louder for Ji Hyo than any drum being struck right beside her ear.

And along with that comes the surge of pain innher chest.

She did not expect it, and that's what it makes it even more painful.

For she expected Eun Hye to like her. She trusted her Eonnie.

What is she hearing?

"Stop being insecure, Yoon Eun Hye! ", Jong Kook exclaims.

Eun Hye scoffs. "I can't believe I'm hearing this from you. "

"It's because you're really crossing over the line! "

"Because you're being insensitive! You take care of her as if I'm not around!", she says angrily, making tears form in Ji Hyo's eyes.

Eun Hye is beautiful and smart. She did not expect her to feel that way towards Ji Hyo.

She thought she's never gonna be betrayed again.

She has experienced it a lot before that she has grown a bit of a trauma with it.

And this time, it happens again.

"You talk coldly to me and then turns all sweet when you're talking to her! I still have to get near you to get your attention while you notice her even if she's so far away! I need to ask for help before you tend to my aid while you reach out to her even before she says a word! "

She can't believe what she is hearing. How can these words come out from Eun Hye's mouth?

Her words struck Ji Hyo's heart so bad that she feels her tears rising up her eyes, her ears getting deaf, her vision getting blurry with tears.

Before she ends up crying in there and being sees, Ji Hyo turns around and takes the way to the other side of the deck.

She spots a hanging rack in there, and she begins haning her wet clothes.

It is a good thing that the wind is blowing strong, drying her tears and again tearing it up with its sting.

At least, she has an excuse in crying.

She disregards those drops and focus on hanging her clothes.

But she can't disregard what she has just heard.

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