질투 (jiltu)

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"Forget about it? ", Jong kOok mutters to himself as he walks along the hallway leading to the Tae Kwon Do room. "You can't even forget about it, you stupid! ", he scolds himself.

He is irritated with his self. Why did he say that to Song Ji Hyo if it even took him hours before sleep finally took over his brain, which can not stop thinking about what happened, last night.

"What are you muttering, sunbae? ", Sung Jae, who suddenly appears next to him, asks.

"Nothing.", he aswers coldly after he recovers from the sudden arrival.

Sung Jae scoffs. "You're acting very strange lately, Sunbae.", he says suspiciously.

"What are you talking about? ", Jong Kook asls, his brows furrowing at his junior's gaze.

"Are you, peehaps, finally falling for a girl? ", Sung Jae guesses, earning a sharp look from Jong Kook.

"Do you want to get 50 push ups when we arrive in the room? ", he threatens.

Sung Jae laughs dismissively. "Let's pretend that this conversation never happened. How's that? ", he suggests with a grin. "Now let's get going! "

...after Tae Kwon Do practice...

Jong Kook walks out of the locker room after he got changed out of his uniform when Sung Jae catches up with him.

"What is wrong with you? ", his junior asks.

"What? ", he asks cluelessly as he continues walking.

"You'd been too hard on us! Ugh, my leg hurts from doing push ups. ", Sung Jae complains.

"You deserve it.", Jong Kook answers.

"No, we don't! It's just you pouring out your temper on us! "

He gives Sung Jae a piercing glare.

"What? I'm just telling the truth! What is making you so upset that you're blowing it all on us? "

Jong Kook just wants to hit his self. Sung Jae is right. He's just being immature and pouring his temper out to the wrong people.

But he is too egoistic to admit that so he just looks away and walks faster.

"You just gotta fess that up, sunbae! ", annoying Sung Jae says as he manages to catch up.

Jong Kook jerks his head to his direction with an annoyed face. "What? "

Sung Jae stops walking, making him stop, too.

"According to my sister, there are just two reasons why students suddenly changes attitude and become short-tempered. One is when they get pressured in school, and number two is when they are in love. And knowing you, you seem to be really careless about your grades so I'm thinking it's number two for you.", Sung Jae explains with haste, making jOng Kook pause and think before he figured out what he is talking about.

"What---?! Just shut up! ", he says and walks away.

"See? That's what I'm talking about! ", Sung Jae yells as he runs to catch up again.

"Get the hell away from me, Sung Jae!"

"Oh! I think i have an idea what you're being so upset about! ", Sung Jae says.

Jong Kool follows his gaze and sees that he is looking up at the two people who is descending the stairs.

Ji Hyo and Gary. They are talking about something that seems to be fun, judging from the smiles in their faces.

SpartAce I: School Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now